Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are totally baffled by systemic corruption in Northern Triangle nations. Our alleged administration has supposedly been fighting “the root causes” of mass immigration to America. What they really planned to do was throw money at glitterati third-world dictators and hope the invasion would go away. They quickly learned that their scheme wouldn’t work because these governments are way to corrupt for anyone to be able to give them a dime. We’re just now learning they haven’t done anything about the issues at all yet.
Corruption runs rampant
On Friday, June 3, Reuters reported that projects, “likely worth millions of dollars” and expected to stop the mass flow of invading migrants northward, “have been canceled or put on hold due to corruption and governance concerns.”
They cite “U.S. officials and others tracking the issue” as their sources for that.
This corruption scandal couldn’t have hit media airwaves at a worse time for Democrats because it comes while Biden’s staffers are gearing up for an upcoming Summit of the Americas.
The big powwow is set to start next week, in Los Angeles, but many key players haven’t RSVP’d, and probably won’t. Joe was really hoping to “find common ground with other nations and issue a joint statement on migration.” That doesn’t look like it’s going to happen.
According to “a group coordinating the effort,” the underlying root cause of this particular issue is “corruption in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras,” which limits potential investment from private companies.
That had been the linchpin of Biden’s failed strategy. None of his handlers have any suggestions on how to solve that one. “We credit them with recognizing that supporting criminals is a bad idea,” foreign policy aide Tim Rieser notes, “On the other hand, it’s not yet clear what the plan is.”
A striking example
Reuters notes that one case in particular highlights the seriousness of the challenge. The U.S. Agency for International Development, affectionately known around the world as USAID, “abruptly suspended an undisclosed amount of funding tied to Guatemala’s justice ministry in July 2021 after the firing of a special prosecutor targeting corruption days earlier.”
They seem afraid to disclose how many millions they planned to funnel into the cocaine trade, by handing it to the wrong generals. “USAID declined to detail the specifics of the projects or say how much funding was suspended in both cases, but it likely amounted to millions of dollars in funding to strengthen legal systems.”
USAID also “redirected funding away from projects linked to the justice ministry in El Salvador.” That’s where most of the machete wielding tattoo covered MS-13 psychopaths come from.
They had to pull the plug on airlifting the cash in because “El Salvador’s Congress, dominated by lawmakers aligned with President Nayib Bukele, voted to remove top judges and the attorney general in May 2021.” One corruption scandal after another, it seems.
Federal statistics reveal that 300,000 refugees, from the three Northern Triangle countries alone, were tagged at the U.S. border between October of 2021 and April of 2022. That puts them at 25 percent of the total. Kamala Harris is supposed to be in charge but she’s too busy interviewing new staff members to get any actual work done.
Her office has been a revolving door, with one aide after another refusing to put up with her personal abuse. She hasn’t accomplished a thing since learning that Guatemalan Attorney General Maria Consuelo Porras fired the country’s leading anti-corruption prosecutor. Porras is still in power, proving that “corruption is a historical and structural problem.“