Pay Attention Now Because America Is Next


ICYMI – The average citizen on the street, The Federalist warns, “should start paying closer attention to the ongoing farmer protests in the Netherlands.” In case you didn’t realize it, “what looked like a post-apocalyptic warzone” is headed to America soon. None of this will come as a surprised to those well prepared patriots who have been easing into off-grid options and stockpiling all the necessities.

America is next on the ‘Agenda’

DINO Democrat Joe Manchin is willing to fight for dirty energy supplies but he could care less about farmers in America. Or the consumers who prefer eating bacon to insect-based bacon substitute. That’s why he caved in and agreed with the rest of the Democrat mob to support Joe Biden on implementing Agenda 2030.

Fertilizer reductions are only part of the Apocalyptic scenario which is about to unfold. You won’t see any of this on U.S. network TV but things already happening in the Netherlands are a taste of what we’re in store for.

The Dutch farmers backed off on the warehouse blockades for a while to let negotiations get set up. They had the equivalent of what would be the Walmart distribution centers in America shut down cold, along with all the ones for grocery chains, as well.

Once they saw who the Netherlands brought to the table to represent the government’s interests, the futility of talks became immediately obvious. That’s why they went back to burning haybales in the street and spreading manure around in key locations. For this round, they escalated things by dumping garbage and setting tires on fire.

The government is convinced that farmers are nothing but polluters so they showed them how much pollution they can come up with if they try. Farmers in America should be paying close attention to their tactics, improvised methods, and the government response. That’s exactly why CNN won’t show any of it.

In Europe, they’re describing how this latest round of Dutch protests “transformed long swaths of Dutch highways into what looked like a post-apocalyptic warzone: roadside fires raging out of control, manure and farming detritus heaped across highways, traffic stalled for miles, and massive protests across the country in support of the farmers.

Accept the ‘unavoidable transition’

Dutch farmers have become unreasonable in a Marvin Heemeyer sort of way. He’s the guy who armor plated a Komatsu D355A bulldozer and leveled half the town of Granby. The government came up with what they feel is a perfectly reasonable plan to “cut fertilizer use and reduce livestock numbers.” Farmers say they’re doing it “so drastically that it will force many farms out of business.

It’s clear to all the farmers in Europe and Canada that they are being targeted by Agenda 2030 and America is next. Meanwhile, the “ruling coalition government claims its radical plan, pushed by Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who branded the protests ‘unacceptable,’ is part of an ‘unavoidable transition‘ to improve air, land, and water quality.” Those things will improve at the expense of world famine.

World famine wouldn’t actually be a bad thing to the forces of evil darkness behind the progressive Great Reset plot. They have wanted to reduce the world population to a more manageable and much, much smaller number for decades now. This is all part of the plan. Here in America their number was carved in stone on the Georgia Guidestones. That is it was until someone blew it up recently.


What they tell Green New Deal progressives on TV is that the “goal is to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxide and ammonia, which are produced by livestock but which the government is labeling ‘pollutants,’ by 50 percent nationwide by the year 2030.” Asbestos happens to be a pollutant too, farmers remind. They happen to have more of it laying around than they know what to do with, so they decided to share it.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte isn’t thrilled that making the farmer protests worse, “cleanup operations have been hampered by intimidation of contractors hired to clear roads and by the presence of asbestos in some of the piles of debris dumped on roads.” That’s a no-no, Rutte Tweeted. “Wilfully endangering others, damaging our infrastructure and threatening people who help clean up is beyond all limits.

Farmers in America are only beginning to realize that “Private farms and independent farmers will be a thing of the past, supplanted by global bodies making decisions about how much and what kinds of food are produced. The private sector and the independent farmers will have no place in the future that the UN and the WEF are planning.

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