Powerful Republican TARGETED by Ron DeSantis

Photo Courtesy of Arend via Creative Commons License

Most of us have been begging the GOP to make changes atop leadership.

Our elected officials did not listen, however.

With only one position left, all leadership roles are exactly what they were last year.

Ron DeSantis was hoping to change that.

Time for Change

Ronna McDaniel had the support of the Swamp, but that was about it.

Ron DeSantis addressed her position, stating, “We’ve had 3 substandard election cycles in a row, ‘18, ‘20, and ‘22, and I would say of all of those ‘22 was probably the worst given the political environment of a very unpopular President Biden — huge majorities of the people think the country’s going in the wrong direction.

“That is an environment that’s tailormade to make big gains in the House, in the Senate, in the state houses all across the country, and yet, that didn’t happen.”

It all fell on deaf ears, however.

Trump supported McDaniel and she ended winning another term as the chair.

The swamp wins again.

Source: Breitbart

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