Scandalous Biden Photos Go VIRAL


President Joe Biden, isn’t exactly a picture of health.

But his supporters are trying to paint him as such with photo editing.

Is this the right look for a president?

Recent images of President Joe Biden have raised some eyebrows among Republicans and Democrats alike.

His supporters have been quick to praise his fitness and vigor, while opponents raise questions about his age and apparent lack of energy.

While the Democratic Party has put forward an image of trim, dynamic, fit, tanned and vigorous Biden as their candidate for 2020 presidential election – in comparison to former President Donald Trump’s portrayal as “cheeseburger-loving slob” – one must question whether this is just another example of political spin doctoring or if there is something more sinister at work here.

So what lies behind these photos that are being circulated on social media?

Recent investigations by Townhall’s John Hasson point toward photoshopped images that try to make the president appear younger than he really is.

These doctored photographs show sleek, trim versions of Biden side-by-side with photos accenting Trump’s girth however, many argue that the latter’s size looks suspiciously smaller than it should be for someone nearly five years older than him.

In addition to these questionable pictures doing the rounds on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, there are videos circulating online that compare Trump’s charisma when working crowds to Biden’s shuffling and lost appearance while sitting on a beach or falling over multiple times while attempting to board Air Force One.

This begs the questions: why would such incidents not be taken seriously if they were attributed to any other candidate?

When Gerald Ford faced similar issues in 1970s due to tripping over multiple times on public platforms he wasn’t considered unfit for office – so why should we hold different standards now?

It is concerning how quickly people can forget about certain issues when it comes down to personal political opinions; no one individual in this condition should be allowed near any form of power let alone occupying a role like President Of The United States.

It doesn’t stop there either: alongside questions surrounding his health there are also serious allegations against members of his family regarding inappropriate business connections which do nothing but add fuel the fire further.


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