It’s no surprise that instead of prosecuting criminals, José Garza is persecuting the police. With a whole lot of help from George Soros, Garza managed to get elected as the district attorney for Travis County. The DA is disturbing local peace by hauling a total of 19 officers up on aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charges. All for daring to enforce order during George Floyd riots.
Police behind bars
A stunning 19 police officers could be put behind bars for doing their duty to protect the public. As they say, no good deed goes unpunished.
A Texas grand jury indicted the officers “on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon for their actions during 2020 protests over racial injustice that spread nationwide following the killing of George Floyd.” Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon could carry a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.
Austin Police Association President Ken Cassidy fumed as he confirmed the sad news. José Garza, the district attorney for Travis County, which includes Austin, couldn’t wait to poke his face in front of the television cameras.
He was hyped up about the grand jury probe but didn’t say a word about the $600,000 check written by “Soros-funded Texas Justice & Public Safety PAC” his 2020 campaign cashed.
Garza actually thinks less cops makes the city streets safer, especially when the hands of police still on the street are handcuffed by crippling regulations. “Our community is safer when our community trusts enforcement,” Garza argued, without any evidence, on Thursday February 17.
“When it believes law enforcement follows that law and protects the people who live here. There cannot be trust if there is no accountability when law enforcement breaks the law.” What happened to “innocent until proven guilty?” For the rioters who looted and burned the city, it’s “innocent even after proven guilty.”
Conviction not likely
When Association President Cassidy was able to get his quaking voice back under control, he called the move “devastating” for law enforcement in the city. He also gave assurance “he is confident no officer will be convicted.” Garza is intentionally out to get the police, says, calling the investigation politically motivated.
The charges were announced mere hours after “Austin city leaders approved paying $10 million to two people injured by police in the protests.” One was a student who was hit in the head with a beanbag round. If the cops had been allowed to use real bullets, and the protesters were fully assured of that ahead of time, the riots never would have happened.
It’s a case of “you asked for it, you got it,” he notes. “DA Garza ran on a platform to indict police officers and has not missed the opportunity to ruin lives and careers simply to fulfill a campaign promise.”
The next time you dial 911, be prepared to wait a while for response. Smart citizens have already started forming local vigilance committees. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear…
This insult to law and order is one of the biggest victories for anarchy ever, ranking “among the most indictments on a single police department in the U.S. over tactics used by officers during the widespread protests.” The fallout is still coming down like radioactive snow. The liberal left methods have already “led to the resignation or ouster of several police chiefs across the country.”
Austin Chief of Police Joseph Chacon, who took the job after Brian Manley left, said he respects the grand jury process but was “extremely disappointed” to hear “the district attorney announce anticipated indictments of his officers.” Chacon insists he hasn’t a clue of “any conduct, that given the circumstances that the officers were working under, would rise to the level of a criminal violation by these officers.” Their crime is being on the side of the Constitution, nationalism, and Rule of Law.