State Officially Flips FBI the Bird


Missouri’s state Attorney General took of the gloves. First he slapped Christopher Wray in the face with them to declare a duel of deadly litigation, then he flipped the alleged FBI director the infamous bird. Don’t even think about sending the Gestapo into his jurisdiction looking for gun records.

State defends Second Amendment

The state of Missouri stands firmly behind the Second Amendment and their attorney general Eric Schmitt was feisty enough to remind Christopher Wray that there are laws in this country which even apply to the FBI. The Federal Bureau of Instigation tends to consider themselves above the law.

Dear Director Wray:” the letter begins harmlessly enough. That’s the last nice thing Schmitt has to say.

It has come to my attention,” he begins, that the FBI sent notices intimidating county sheriffs in his state. Ones that warn about showing up to “audit” concealed weapon permits. The Bureau has been into the Hunter Biden evidence stash again, he suggests.


Your bureau, he informs Christopher Wray, wants to do an “onsite review” of the Concealed Carry Weapons Permits. It’s not happening. “Let me be perfectly clear. Allowing federal agents from the FBI to have access to records of Missourians who have a permit to carry a concealed weapon violates Missouri law.” Not only that, it infringes on their Second Amendment rights, too.

The FBI might think they can break the law but Missouri won’t let them do it in their state. They have a law which “specifically prohibits sharing this confidential list with the federal government.

The FBI can take their little audit request and stick it up their… nose. Obama scared their legislature into taking proactive steps a long while back. They saw this one coming.


Shall not be distributed

Under the state statutes, specifically § 571.101.9(2), “information retained in the concealed carry permit system under this subsection shall not be distributed to any federal, state, or private entities.” That means the FBI. So, there.

Schmitt spelled out in little words even the director should be able to understand that they did this for a very special reason.

The people’s elected representatives passed this law after it became known that the Obama Administration wanted to know which Missourians had firearms, supposedly to establish who was entitled to federal benefits.” Not in the state of Missouri.

We wanted to leave no doubt that the citizens of Missouri have a constitutional right to bear arms, and the federal government has no business poking around to find out their identities.

Schmitt was one of the State Senators who passed the act and he’s not about to forget it. “I proudly voted for it. In fact, we deliberately wrote the state law so that only the elected county sheriff had access to the CCW list you are trying to get. Here in the heartland, we elect our county sheriffs, who are members of our communities. The same cannot be said for your out-of-touch FBI.” Schmitt really let loose then.

You may wonder why there is such strong suspicion of federal agents here in the ‘Show Me State.‘ Simply put, Missourians are hard-working, law-abiding citizens who don’t need a national nanny-state keeping tabs on us. But more than that, over the last couple of years, we’ve seen story after story of incompetence and corruption at the highest levels of the FBI. Our trust in your agency is at an all-time low.” He includes a laundry list of the FBI’s alleged crimes just so everyone knows what he’s talking about.

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