ICYMI – Former Trump campaign official Paul Manafort is yet another former official that is writing a tell-all book.
The one story that Manafort has front and center that I have not heard before is about Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Donald Trump, just after the primary was over.
If Manafort’s story is accurate, Trump, unsolicited, apologized for Cruz for some of the nasty comments he made about Cruz’s wife and father.
I’m Sorry
I honestly do not believe I have ever heard Trump issue an apology, so this one will surely get some pushback.
Manafort writes, “On his own initiative, Trump did apologize for saying some of the things he said about Cruz, which was unusual for Trump.”
The apology reportedly happened before the national convention, but Cruz was not ready to forgive.
If you recall, Cruz never endorsed Trump in 2016 and after his speech, Trump reportedly went ballistic backstage, which created an even bigger wedge between Trump and Cruz.
Eventually, the two kissed and made up, with Cruz becoming a fierce loyalist for Trump in Congress.
In fact, I would probably say that Cruz was his best true ally, who not once crossed him, unlike RINO Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).
On the reconciliation, Manafort writes, “It took months to bring that relationship back.
“But eventually Cruz came around to supporting Trump, and Trump harbored no ill will.”
Cruz still takes heat for falling in line with Trump, but he continues to deflect and laugh off the criticism.
Trump has not yet commented on this, but I would expect something to come out soon enough.
Source: New York Post