This Wasn’t Negligence: Bill Barr Spells Out Focused Agenda


The FBI clearly had an agenda. What they did with help from the DOJ was no accidental “negligence,” former Attorney General William Barr declares. The bureau was intentionally focused like a laser on doing in Donald Trump. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton’s crimes were carefully swept under the rug. It’s time to cancel their funding.

Election rigging agenda

The Federal Bureau of Instigation had a conspiratorial agenda cooked up with the Just Us Department to rig the 2016 election and, now, everyone in America knows it. William Barr held the same job that Merrick Garland does now, Attorney General. His mind was blown by John Durham’s final report.

When he saw how the FBI buried a criminal Investigation into Hillary Clinton, only to turn around and conspire with her campaign to carry out the illegal plot, all he could do was shake his head in disgust. “I mean, it just boggles the mind, but so many omissions and commissions have clearly no reasonable basis that it obviously suggests that this was not a good-faith investigation.” It was a plot to rig an election. It’s still running.

All the Russiagate conspirators plotting illegally in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election had one thing on their agenda and it wasn’t “trying to stop Russia from purportedly meddling in U.S. politics.

Bill Barr is convinced, along with most of America, that the whole idea was “to stop Donald Trump from attaining the presidency.” They’re still doing it. That “Deep State” government-within-a-government suddenly doesn’t seem so far-fetched.

The first thing about Durham’s report that caught Barr’s attention was the obvious differences between the way Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump related investigations were handled. The tilted agenda is clear for anyone to see. “It shows that there appear to have been two different standards used, obviously — one that applied to Trump and one that applied to other cases involving Hillary Clinton, either the foundation or very specific allegations… of foreign influence attempts going through the Clinton administration.

He didn’t even mention things like Uranium One or the allegations of secret arms deals out of the embassy in Benghazi. “And these were handled much differently than how they handled Trump, which obviously adds to the evidence that this was a biased investigation.


Get Trump with Clinton crimes

The biggest insult, Barr notes, is how the rats guarding the cheese had been tipped off that the CIA had “specific information” that a foreign country had deployed a “non-U.S. person” to make a contribution to Clinton’s campaign. They rat-holed the file and declined to commence a FISA investigation. They were too busy manufacturing evidence “to initiate a FISA probe of Carter Page, then a Trump campaign aide.

The agenda called for tapping Page so they could listen in on Trump and his campaign. Richard Nixon went down because his minions illegally tapped a phone of his political opponent by targeting the Democrat HQ in the Watergate Hotel. What Obama’s plumbers did makes that look like a third-rate break-in.

They get this very fuzzy statement that just said the Russians have some stuff from a 28-year-old volunteer — unpaid volunteer — in the campaign, and they launched immediately into a full-blown investigation and sought a FISA application against the U.S. person,” Barr laments.

If that doesn’t show evidence of a Deep State conspiracy what does? The Durham evidence, Barr underscores, shows it was “not just inadvertent sloppiness and mistakes. They had an agenda.

Barr was quick to admit that “the entire FBI” is being called “irretrievably damaged by the results of the probe,” but “it is important to know that most of the rank-and-file at the bureau were not party to the potentially politicized decision-making at the top.” There’s no excuse at all for leadership, though, and they deserve whatever they get. “People who are treating the FBI as a monolith are making a mistake.

There were objections within the FBI as to how far they were taking this thing — the Russiagate investigation — and when they were dropping things relating to Hillary Clinton, there were objections within the FBI.” The ones who squashed those objections are in big trouble. Jim Jordan is ready to “defund” them. Not all at once but one thing is certain, they can forget about money for the fancy new headquarters they asked for. That’s only for starters. He has an agenda, too.

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