Trump Just Confirmed His Bombshell Decision to…

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The big question right now is if Donald Trump will attend the first GOP debate on August 23.

This week, Trump dropped a bit of a bombshell in saying his decision will be made next week.

However, I think that decision has already been made.

Not Going

Earlier in the week, Trump, regarding the debate, stated, “I’ll let it be known next week.”

Here is the thing, though.

In order to participate in the debate, the RNC has already stated that all candidates must sign a loyalty pledge to vote for the eventual nominee.

All the major players have signed off on the pledge or have agreed to sign it, and this would include Ron DeSantis.

Trump, however, has already stated that he will not sign it.

He clarified that there are three or four candidates in the race that he would never support, so he will not put his name on that pledge.

If that is the case, then the decision has already been made, and Trump will not be attending the debate.

If that is the case, he is going to take some serious fire, especially from Chris Christie.

Now, Christie has no shot of winning, but if you recall what he did to Jeb Bush in 2016, he can cause some damage.

If Trump does skip the debate, my guess is that Christie will try to paint him as a coward for having insulted him at his rallies but not having the courage to show up in person and say those things to his face.

There is a danger for Trump in not showing up if DeSantis has a strong showing.

For all intents and purposes, this is DeSantis’ introduction to the country, so I will be watching polling after the debate to see if it had any major impact on Trump’s overall lead.

Source: Newsweek

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