Two more law enforcement officers were ambushed Tuesday night, this time, in Harris County, Texas. It’s becoming a truly disturbing trend indicating that anarchist criminals have declared war on police.
Ambushed and shot
All it takes to get police to fall into a trap are a few gunshots. Angered authorities relate that the two deputies were ambushed as they responded to shots fired reports.
The suspect opened fire on them as soon as they arrived. Both deputies were shot and the suspect was killed.
Sheriff Ed Gonzalez added some details, noting the officers were ambushed “around 8 p.m. in the 6600 block of Amberfield Lane, which is near the intersection of Barker Cypress and W. Little York roads.”
The HCSO deputies were aware that shots had already been reported from inside the home. HCSO Chief Deputy Edison Toquica added that “a family member, possibly the suspect’s brother, called 911.”
The deputies were ambushed almost the instant they arrived at the scene. The suspect opened fire as they came up the walkway and they instinctively returned fire.
When the lead stopped flying, everyone was down and the suspect was dead where he fell.
They’re alive and he’s not
All across America lately there have been reports of wild west shootouts in the streets of virtually every liberal city. Anarchist gangsters will shoot you for looking at them the wrong way, while the police have been defunded right out of sight. On Tuesday night, the thrilling days of yesteryear returned with a vengeance as the deputies inched their way up the sidewalk toward the front door.
“They approached the residence as they were trained to. They were basically ambushed. They did what they were trained to do,” Chief Deputy Toquica observes. “They discharged their weapons and hit the suspect. They did what they were supposed to do and they’re alive because of that.”
It couldn’t have come any closer for one of the ambushed deputies. Along with being hit in the leg, he “also suffered graze wounds to the head and ear.” His partner was struck in the right leg. Both are reported stable and recovering by the hospital.
Without naming names, One deputy was 27 and the other 28-years-old. “One has been with HCSO for one year and the other for two years.”
Police aren’t naming the suspect either. When he ambushed the deputies, the 43-year-old was possibly “going through a mental episode.” Liberal prosecutors were letting him walk around loose until he could go to court for “aggravated assault of a family member that happened in 2020.” It’s getting totally out of hand, Toquica laments.
This is only “the latest in a string of shootings in which officers have been shot in the Houston area.” Then, there’s that one in Phoenix where the suspect used a baby as bait to bushwhack a whole team of police. “This is an ongoing issue. We see it every day. I want to commend our guys for doing an awesome job,” Toquica praised.