When Town Hired New Manager the Entire Police Department Resigned


The entire police department for the North Carolina town of Kenly called it quits when their new and “progressive” Town Manager took charge. At least two town officials turned in their resignations at the same time.

Police Department walks away

According to reports, “police officers and other officials in the small town of Kenly have submitted mass-resignation letters citing stress, a hostile work environment and an inability to continue the department’s long-term betterment projects.

They informed their liberal new Town Manager, Justine Jones, they have had more than enough, so she can freely ignore law enforcement to her content.

In his letter, Chief Josh Gibson “expressed regret toward the negative changes he felt were occurring in the department.” Liberals think the best way to reduce crime rates is decriminalize the most popular offenses, like shoplifting.

In my 21 years at the Kenly Police Department, we have seen ups and downs. But, especially in the last 3 years, we have made substantial progress that we had hoped to continue. However, due to the hostile work environment now present in the Town of Kenly, I do not believe progress is possible.

The town made a whole collection of the resignation letters available to the public. According to local outlets, “Gibson’s letter was only one of several resignations that were made publicly available after the mass-exodus.

Officer G.W. Strong notes, “it is with a heavy heart that I take this action. I have been with the town since 2004 and fully expected to finish my law enforcement career with the Town of Kenly. Unfortunately, there are decisions being made that jeopardize my safety and make me question what the future will hold for a Kenly Police Officer.” All the officers wrote their notes to Chief Gibson, who submitted his own to Ms. Jones.


She did wonders in Minnesota

The news outlets aren’t going out of their way to inform the public about the specific issues which have the police furious enough to walk off the job. They give some pretty good hints, though. For instance, they point out that Jones “has dedicated her career to public service over the last 16 years during which she worked in progressively responsible positions with local governments in Minnesota, Virginia, South Carolina and North Carolina.

It’s that Minnesota job which raises eyebrows. The entire state experienced months of lawless anarchy, looting and arson, all endorsed by liberal officials. She’s apparently one of them.

The police weren’t the only ones angry enough to walk away from a rewarding career. Town utility clerk Christy Thomas wrote, “I have truly enjoyed working for The Town the last four years. Due to the current situations and the stress in the work area lately, my main concern is my health, and right now I need to focus on my wellbeing. The work area is very hostile and I will not let myself be around that kind of atmosphere.

Law enforcement is not something to vilify. Town Clerk Sharon Evans turned one in, too. “I will be retiring sooner than I had planned. This is my two weeks notice as of today. I can no longer work under the stress.

Without town police, residents won’t be left to rely on do-it-yourself vigilante justice, Johnston County Sheriff’s Office and Emergency Services assured the public. “We actually have a unit stationed at Kenly fire department in downtown,” Johnston County emergency services director Kevin Hubbard said.

So we do not anticipate any impacts to our ability to provide emergency medical services.” Also, Sheriff Steve Bizzell promises “deputies will be assigned to patrol the streets to ensure public safety if and when needed.” He assures “that we will be there for the people of Kenly.

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