Whistleblower: We Gave Them ‘Bioweapon Technology’


Whistleblower Andrew Huff is convinced that COVID-19 was designed on purpose and escaped from a Wuhan lab. He worked there on behalf of a “New York-based nonprofit that studied viruses.” In his opinion, what happened is the “biggest US intelligence failure since 9/11.

Wuhan Institute of Virology

COVID leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.” There isn’t a single doubt in Andrew Huff’s mind. All along, the controversial lab has “been at the center of fierce debates about the origins of COVID, with both Chinese government officials and lab personnel denying that the virus leaked from the facility.” They all lied.

Huff is an epidemiologist with a new book out. He insists the “truth” is that Uncle Sam funded all the coronavirus research.

All of those gain-of-function experiments were carried out in Wuhan but security was “lax.” As Huff describes, “foreign laboratories did not have the adequate control measures in place for ensuring proper biosafety, biosecurity, and risk management.

That, he claims, led directly to the leak for the controversial level-4 facility. For two years now, a pile of evidence has been trickling out to support his expert opinion.

Various experts have theorized that “the virus could have escaped through an infected scientist or the improper disposal of waste from the facility.

Another possibility is that Wuhan residents infected in controlled studies were allowed to return home while still infectious. That would mean admitting there were human studies in the first place so nobody is even speculating about that possibility.

A catastrophic accident

Earlier this year, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the head of the World Health Organization, accidentally let it slip to a European politician that “he feared that the virus escaped from the lab in ‘a catastrophic accident’ in 2019.” That story was quickly buried as “misinformation.” Huff thinks it’s true.

He has credentials as “a former vice president of EcoHealth Alliance, a New York-based nonprofit that studies infectious diseases.” Specifically, his group “has been studying different coronaviruses in bats for more than a decade with funding from the National Institutes of Health.” That’s exactly how he ended up with such “close ties to the Wuhan lab.

Between 2014 and 2016, Huff personally “helped the Wuhan lab put together the ‘best existing methods to engineer bat coronaviruses to attack other species‘ for many years.

Not only that, we leaked a little top-grade technology to help the program along. “Foreign laboratories did not have the adequate control measures in place for ensuring proper biosafety, biosecurity, and risk management.

The Pooh Bear was a little too quick to deny everything. “China knew from day one that this was a genetically engineered agent. The US government is to blame for the transfer of dangerous biotechnology to the Chinese. I was terrified by what I saw. We were just handing them bioweapon technology.

Everybody knows by now that “the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a state-run and -funded research facility home to China’s riskiest coronavirus research, has been under immense pressure by the ruling Chinese Communist Party to produce scientific breakthroughs to raise China’s global status despite lacking resources.” Oops.

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