Healthcare workers in the state of Illinois who refused the Kool Aid injection won big in court recently. Fox Business is reporting on Tuesday that “workers who were fired or otherwise impacted by their hospitals’ COVID-19 vaccine mandate will receive a $10 million settlement.
Injection deniers win big
This is one of those “we told you so” moments. Healthcare workers, in the state of confusion which locals like to call Illinois, stood up for their constitutional rights and it paid off in the end.
Those who dared refuse the experimental injection on religious grounds came out on top, Fox Business reports on August 16. The class action plaintiffs will split a $10 million settlement pot in the wake of this high-profile lawsuit ruling.
“Let this case be a warning to employers that violated Title VII,” Mat Staver declared. He’s founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, the group behind the lawsuit. “It is especially significant and gratifying that this first classwide COVID settlement protects healthcare workers.”
$10 million award to employees force to resign for not taking the COVID vaccine!
Joe Biden, CDC Director Walensky & of course big mouthed Dr. Fauci should all be impeached over COVID vaccine nandates! 😠🤨
— Daniel F. Baranowski (@DFBHarvard) August 16, 2022
It all started when staff at NorthShore University HealthSystem refused the injection on Religious grounds. They weren’t about to allow what amounts to performing a black mass by injecting the DNA of aborted babies. So, they filed a lawsuit in October 2021. It was crystal clear that “their employer illegally refused to grant any religious exemptions to a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.”
The settlement has already been approved by the Illinois Northern District Court. The end result is that “473 employees of the system” just became “eligible for compensation.”
How much depends on what happened in their specific case. Those who lost their jobs over refusing the injection get more than the ones who caved in and compromised their principles.
Those fired get $25K
According to the agreement that got hammered out between the lawyers, “any of those fired as a result of the rules” automatically get a check for $25,000. The “13 plaintiffs involved in the suit will be eligible for an additional $20,000.” That will go to their lawyers.
Caving in to the propaganda and pressure to take the injection anyway was a costly mistake for the ones who went that route. “Those who complied with the mandate to keep their jobs despite having religious objections will be eligible for $3,000.” The good news is they put in lots of overtime while they kept working.
The judge approving settlement in the case was U.S. District Judge John Kness. The media notes he was “appointed by former President Donald Trump.” The Liberty Council was right, he agreed.
The injection mandate “violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.” Anyone fired over refusing the jab is also eligible to get their job back, if they still want it. While the order only applies to workers in Illinois, this decision will be echoing across America.
Vice President of Legal Affairs for the Liberty Council, Horatio Mihet, issued a statement noting, this decision should “serve as a strong warning to employers across the nation that they cannot refuse to accommodate those with sincere religious objections to forced vaccination mandates.”
The injection debate raged fiercely in every single state. “We have been working with thousands of employees across the country. Many of them face the same jab-or-job mandate that is that issue in NorthShore.“