Antifa Beat Trump Supporters Teeth In…ALL Caught on Camera


Antifa identifying anarchists with the Black Lives Matter movement brutally attacked Black Pro-Trump organizer Philip Anderson, knocking his teeth out. The whole thing was caught on camera but the networks aren’t saying a word. Worse, he’s been banned from Instagram and Facebook for being attacked. Twitter is expected to follow.

It smells like Antifa to most

Simply referring to “Antifa” like it’s an actual organization is enough to earn one of those infamous gray censor boxes but there is no doubt that the “counter-protesters” to the Free Speech Rally in San Francisco, California, undoubtedly show solidly violent anti-fascist sentiment. The Black organizer of nationwide group Team Save America, Philip Anderson, applied for and was granted a proper city permit to hold the event, which he flew in for. When the anarchists showed up in massive numbers, the city canceled the event permit,”minutes after it started.”

As Anderson was leading away what appears to be a visually impaired peaceful demonstrator, he “was attacked by the group at the United Nations Plaza, where a police officer was also reportedly injured.” Punched to the ground, his Antifa associated attacker brutally punched out Anderson’s front teeth. He emerged from the fray bloodied but gave a positive statement before being transported to the hospital by ambulance. CNN won’t show a second of it because of all the “Make America Great Again” hats,”Thin Blue Line” flags and whole bunch of good old American flags. Lee Greenwood can be heard singing “Proud To Be An American” in the background.

The Antifa supporters were thrilled to see blood. “Oh, cry about it – cry about it,” one liberal fem screams as Anderson is pummeled. The crowd was cheering the violence on, chanting, “get the f–k out.” About then, the radicals resorted to Sharia law and started stoning the men. Around a dozen members of the “Save our America” group had to be extracted by the police “as tensions reached boiling point.”

I love free speech

Even with his teeth knocked out and blood running down his face, Anderson kept his patriotic pride. “I love America, I love this country and I love free speech,” He told the Associated Press photographer. San Francisco police were there but so obviously outnumbered they couldn’t wait to shut things down and get out of there. They were notably fearful of the ones who can’t be called Antifa.

Speaking from his hospital bed, Anderson had a question for Joe Biden you won’t be hearing at any of his town halls. “I’ve a question for you, Joe Biden: you said that Antifa is ‘just an idea.'” Pointing to his bloodied mouth and missing teeth, “this is what the ‘idea’ you’re talking about, Antifa, did to me. I’m at the hospital right now, Joe Biden, because of Antifa.”

Anderson wasn’t the only injury at the hands of Antifa sympathizers. Besides an injured officer, a second Trump supporter suffered a broken leg after counter-protesters peacefully “overran the event, screaming at riot police, kicking barriers, throwing bottles at the podium, and yelling over the people speaking.” To save their own skins, “the police reportedly deployed pepper spray as a crowd control tactic” and bugged out. Not a single arrest has been made, but the very next day, Anderson was banned from Social media.

  1. If I had the authority…I would authorize those maggots be taken out and ‘SKINNED’ alive!!! then hang the carcass to rot!

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