Ex Facebook Executive Spills the Beans


For years, conservatives have faced mounting censorship on social media and other internet sites, and now an ex-Facebook executive is revealing what he knows.

Tim Kendall, who is Moment CEO, starred in the Netflix documentary “The Social Dilemma,” which sheds light on the negative implications of both social media and the ever power-hungry Big Tech.

Kendall is a former Facebook executive who has first-hand knowledge on the subject and believes Big Tech’s overreach could lead to a civil war in the United States.

“Extreme outcomes are the logical end conclusion if there is no action on social media reform during the increasing destabilization of civil society,” Kendall told Fox News

“The Social Dilemma” brings on several Silicon Valley insiders who give a detailed look into the sinister side of social media. Some of the insiders include the co-inventor of Facebook’s “like” button to high-powered executives.

Kendall is one of the main focuses of the film and once served as the director of monetization at Facebook. He now leads Moment which is a company intent on “fighting to reimagine the tech industry as one built for its users.” 

While on Fox News, Kendall relayed why Big Tech encourages “online tribalism that exacerbates the societal division,” why social media reform is vital and why “content laced with misleading information” could interfere with elections. 

“We cannot allow the conversation around misinformation and social media addiction to become a partisan issue. Big Social does not care what content you are consuming, where you live, or what you believe so long as you are giving away your time to their platforms and helping drive up their advertising revenues,” Kendall continued.

When asked what he believes should happen to regulate social media’s impact on society, he explained:

“I think there are three things that need to change. First, until the financial incentives are removed these companies will continue to operate by creating social media addicts of its users. Second, we need better regulation—no industry, including tech, should be in the position to regulate themselves. Third, we need innovation to help people take back their lives from their devices. This is in part why I started my company, Moment, to develop tools that give control back to individuals.”

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