Antony Blinken Impeachment…


Antony Blinken looked Congress square in the eye, lied and didn’t even blink. He swore up and down, under oath, that he never exchanged a single email with Hunter Biden. That’s not true. Even more interesting, his wife Evan Ryan was a whole lot more likely to be messaging the playboy than Blinky was.

Blinken told boldface lies

Conservative Republican Senator Ron Johnson didn’t pull any punches when he flat out accused Antony Blinken of lying on the witness stand. He told a “boldface” set of lies under oath in 2020, claiming he “never emailed Hunter Biden.

A whole string of emails just surfaced between Biden and Blinky back in 2015. At the time, our current Minister of State worked for the “Kenyan” and “Hunter was on the board of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma.

Johnson insists that he knows Tony “lied boldface to Congress about never emailing Hunter Biden. My guess is he told a bunch of other lies.” Seven short years ago, “Hunter was trying to meet with Blinken, then Barack Obama’s deputy secretary of state, to get the official’s ‘advice‘ on things.

When Blinky got selected as Joe Biden’s pick for top diplomat, he was grilled hard by the Senate. Johnson is going to go back over that transcript with a microscope because it seems to him that Blinky “could have broken the law when speaking to Congress.

You cannot trust Joe Biden,” Johnson flatly declared. “You cannot trust Hunter Biden. You can’t trust the Biden family. You can’t trust so many of the people that they have surrounded themselves with.

He’s already reached out to fellow lawmakers to get the ball rolling on a matching pair of subpoenas. One will go to Antony Blinken and the other to his wife. Both will get a chance to “testify before Congress again.” He’s reminding them to “preserve their records.

Setting up a meeting

If Antony Blinken wants “to proclaim his innocence,” Johnson warns, he better have the evidence to do it. “I doubt he’ll do that, but he must, and she must, preserve their records, their personal emails. When you get to the bottom of this, we need to show how corrupt these individuals are.

It turns out that Blinky had a “personal” email address he used with Hunter Biden. A lot like that informal one Hillary Clinton used which created all the chaos and turmoil. Back in 2015, all Blinky’s messages to Hunter went through his “private AOL email account rather than an official State Department address.

Hunter was emailing back and forth with Evan Ryan all the way back in 2010. He started out asking for Tony’s “private email.” She was happy to give it and they “also made plans to get coffee together afterward.” Now that the world is getting a look at those emails they show just how close Hunter was to Antony Blinken.

The whole scandal broke over the “spies who lied” letter. The House Judiciary Committee just found out that “former CIA acting director Michael Morell testified in private that Blinken, then a Biden 2020 campaign adviser, ‘triggered‘ a letter from 51 ex-intelligence officials that sought to discredit The Post’s reporting.” Reporting related to Hunter Biden’s laptop full of toxic political waste.

That letter was used to swing an election. Blinken had the big names in the intelligence community all band together in never-seen solidarity to jointly debunk the God’s honest TRUTH, as Russian “disinformation.” Now that it’s come back to haunt them, they point out they were very careful with their wording at the time.

It isn’t their fault that nobody noticed the little asterisk of a disclaimer which they threw in. They very carefully didn’t say the laptop “was” Russian disinfo, only that it “looked like” Russian disinfo. They also very carefully didn’t admit what they had seen  sure appeared to be accurate and authentic.

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