Biden ‘Plan’ Revealed… Critics Go Nuts

Joe Biden
Photo Courtesy of Phil Roeder via Creative Commons License

The Biden White House finally revealed its so-called plan to deal with illegal immigration if and when Title 42 ends.

The report was first published by Reuters.

It was not well received.

Smoke and Mirrors

The new plan is loaded with a backdoor way for this administration to continue to allow illegals to get into the country.

Jessica Vaughan, policy director at the Center for Immigration Studies, stated, “It’s really just repackaging the same Extraction Migration policy, like putting lipstick on a pig.

“They’re not trying to stop illegal migration.

“They’re trying to manage it so the receiving communities are not going to notice it as much and so it is not a spectacle at the border that creates political problems for them … they’re trying to do it behind smoke and mirrors.”

She later added, “If some get in [via parole] and others do not, those people who did not get in are simply going to keep trying to cross illegally.

“They’re not really going after the fundamental incentive, which is the ability to work here.”

To give you a rough idea of the disparity between Trump and Biden.

During the final year of Trump’s presidency, he allowed 15,000 migrants to enter from these countries.

Joe Biden has allowed about 700,000… like Vaughan said, it is all smoke and mirrors.

Source: Breitbart

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