Biden Caught Falling Asleep During Maui Memorial Ceremony

Joe Biden arrived in Maui, Hawaii to survey the damage of the devastating wildfires two weeks prior.

The town of Lahaina had lost over 100 people and nearly 1,000 were unaccounted for after state and federal officials failed to respond quickly enough.

Instead of honoring those who had lost their lives and homes, Joe Biden decided to make it all about himself.

As soon as he arrived, Biden began talking about his own experiences rather than addressing the tragedy that had taken place in Maui.

He said he remembered getting a call from the fire department when his first wife and daughter died – completely disregarding what those attending the memorial service were going through.

Not only did he use this time to tell stories about himself but even made jokes while doing so.

At one point, he mentioned how he almost lost his wife, 67 Corvette and cat due to a lightning strike on his house – clearly not taking into consideration how inappropriate this was for such an occasion.

It wasn’t until after 6 hours that Biden left Lahaina without ever properly acknowledging what happened there or showing any respect for those affected by this disaster.

It is unthinkable that someone running for president would show such disregard for victims of natural disasters like this one in Maui.

It is important now more than ever that candidates running for office take these situations seriously and demonstrate genuine empathy towards those impacted before they continue with their own political agendas or personal interests.

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