Not only is social media censoring anything the FBI wants them to censor, Joe Biden is bringing back his controversial “disinformation board” in a new disguise. This time, he’s throwing half a million bucks to stomp out “microaggressions” in your posts. That word is the new label for anything which the Deep State doesn’t like talked about.
More social media censorship
As if inflation weren’t bad enough, Joe Biden wants to print up more money to light on fire. The latest scary intrusion into what used to be free speech is the development of “an artificial-intelligence program” to specifically “root out ‘microaggressions‘ on social media.”
The never sleeping thought police entity is rumored to be named “Big Brother.”
National Review thinks the project is “an obvious assault on the First Amendment.” Our Founding Fathers didn’t write “Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, unless that speech might make some people feel bad.” Social media platforms aren’t supposed to censor ideas. Especially not in such obviously one-sided fashion.
Biden Admin to Drop Half a Million on Artificial Intelligence That Detects Microaggressions on Social Media
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) December 24, 2022
In a case of not being able to see the forest for the trees, National Review assumes that the Constitution is still in effect. Laws which aren’t enforced are meaningless, including our once beloved Constitution. That dusty document is a thing of the past because we’re really being run by global government, based in Brussels.
Postmillenial adds that Biden is paying for research to “protect online users from discriminatory language.” The secret project will be sending spiders out across the internet from a lab at the University of Washington.
Joe himself has called the scheme “a massive boon to the public,” while totally ignoring the free speech aspects. Thanks to the Twitter Files, we know now that is because social media platforms are virtually an extension of the Just Us Department. Merrick Garland really does run this country.
Examples in every day use
The “microaggressive” statements you make on social media used to be considered harmless. Things like “asking a person of a minority group where they are from.” It doesn’t matter if your nanny comes from Guatemala, Peru or El Salvador, just pay them. Trying to be nice about it doesn’t go over well either.
For instance, if you mention that you “don’t see color” in terms of racial designations, you just tiptoed across the red line. Never promote anyone because they actually did a good job because “merit based achievement” is racist. Don’t even think about “naming rooms and buildings after white men.”
Obviously, use of names with the last name “Biden” in connection with alleged crimes will be strictly forbidden. The word “laptop” will instantly raise red flags. Daring to question vaccine efficiency or voter integrity will have thought police showing up at your door.
More censorship coming you way America!! “The Biden administration is set to dole out more than $550,000 in grants to develop an artificial intelligence model that can automatically detect & suppress microaggressions on social media, government spending records show.” #Globalist
— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) December 28, 2022
They have a FEMA camp just for social media thought criminals. Meanwhile, they can seize your house and belongings for transfer to a needy family of “asylees.” At least, that’s the plan on the drawing board.
The university already cashed one check for $132,000. Over the next five years, “they are due to receive a total sum of $550,436 in grant money from the National Science Foundation.”
It isn’t clear if the social media companies will be the ones hooking up to “Big Brother” to “weed out language that could be considered offensive,” or if the Just Us Department will handle that “in house.” The Twitter debacle taught the FBI that they can no longer trust all the platforms to comply with their censorship requirements.