Biden’s Latest Flub The Worst One Yet [WATCH]

Joe Biden

I’m just gonna say it, I actually have compassion for Joe Biden.

Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t vote for him if all the teeth in my head depended on it; I am just saying that I actually feel bad for the guy on a medical level.

I remember what it was like when my grandfather began to slip a little mentally. At first he would forget little things, like whether or not he left his car keys.

Then it got bigger, like he would forget to pay bills that had been due on the same day every month for decades.

Then the day came that I got the phone call that still just wrecks me emotionally. I get a call at work on my cell from my grandfather.

He’s calling me from a town a hundred or so miles away from the town we all live in at the time. He says he needs me to come pick him up, and to bring someone along to drive his car home for him.

He did not remember driving a hundred miles to another town.

We are getting that close with Joe Biden. It’s not going to be too much longer until he is sitting in the Oval Office one day and has no idea how he got there or how long he has been there.

Joe Biden has unfortunately had another senior moment.

During an interview recently, he made remarks that Barack Obama had asked Biden to be his running mate in the 2020 election.

Now, I get that Biden lived with some form of a stutter the vast majority of his life. However, people with stutters don’t make mistakes like that.

They might flub the word they are saying, but they certainly don’t get years and people wrong like this.

Biden said, “But I didn’t plan on running because when I, in 2020, when I, my, when Barack asked me to be vice president, I, uh, I, I joined him, which was a great honor and, uh, but after that I became a professor at the University of Pennsylvania.”

That’s a pretty big mistake to be making when you are asking to be re-hired to a job where being the sharpest person mentally in the nation is kinda a requirement.


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