Could This Be The End of The Road For The Bidens?


Joe Biden is going to have a hard time denying that he knew anything about Hunter’s business deals now. Hunter “sent a WhatsApp message demanding payment from a Chinese businessman” and now the whole world knows about it. He did it while he was “sitting with his father.” He mentioned that more than once in the text shaking down his Chinese money suppliers.

Extortion Biden style

Everyone knows that Hunter Biden isn’t above resorting to a little extortion when it’s necessary. The interesting part is that the leverage he used like a club was his dad. That’s a little bit illegal but the special prosecutor allegedly digging into his tax crimes can’t seem to do much about it. Neither can the IRS. The House Ways and Means Committee decided to take some of the limelight away from the Oversight and Judiciary committees by revealing some bombshell information of their own.

By law, there’s only one panel that IRS agents can blow the whistle to and that’s them. A couple of theirs came across some evidence the committee thought the public might want to know about. Especially, now that Hunter Biden’s being let off the hook on everything.

Hunter was crashing at the guest house of the family’s main residence in Delaware back on July 30, 2017. That’s where he was the night he tapped out a message to Communist Party official Henry Zhao. The “Big Guy” wasn’t pleased. As DailyMail points out, “the allegation undercuts consistent claims from the Biden family and administration that Joe was not involved in his son’s foreign business dealings.” For starters.

According to an IRS whistleblower, “they were blocked from getting a search warrant, even after the Department of Justice learned about the message.” Especially after the DOJ got wind of it.

Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee brought out a graphic with the text message blown up for everyone to see. Democrats on the panel were too embarrassed to be seen in the same room as that graphic. “I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled.” Hunter Biden wrote. “Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight.” They wanted their money and they wanted it now.

James Comer and his Oversight Committee already traced at least some of that through the various shell companies. Hunter’s supposed to walk away clear on all of it. There is, however, a little dispute remaining on what Special Prosecutor David Weiss meant when he said the investigation remains “ongoing.” That might just be a trick to block more Congressional probes.

Ability to hold a grudge

The threats and intimidation continued. “And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.

You can practically hear Joe Biden fuming in the background from the tone of the text.

Ways and Means rushed to get the evidence from their whistleblowers out to the public fast because things have been moving quickly, this week. Hunter Biden agreed to take the plea deal of the century. He took the bargain before any charges were even filed.

He gets to walk away totally Scot free on every single one of his alleged crimes by pleading guilty on two misdemeanor tax offenses. He’ll get probation for that. As Jonathan Turley predicted, the “controlled demolition” of Biden family crimes is complete.

The IRS whistleblowers also revealed that the prosecutor who’s giving Hunter that sweet deal has already been compromised. At the very least, he’s terrified of Merrick Garland and been cowed into submission. The testimony revealed that U.S. Attorney David Weiss “asked for special counsel status and was denied by the Department of Justice.” Not only that, “Weiss also allegedly tried to bring charges against Hunter in Washington D.C. and California in the fall of 2022 and had that request denied in January 2023.

The insiders also revealed that Hunter Biden “failed to pay $2.2 million in taxes on $8.3 million in income from foreign entities in Ukraine, China, and Romania.” Ways and Means is convinced that “the testimony also shows the DOJ sought to ‘delay the investigation long enough to reach the statute of limitations‘ and ‘divulged sensitive actions by the investigative team to Biden’s attorneys.” How convenient.

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