ICYMI – Dr. Anthony Fauci was at it again and what he said had many Americans ready to ring the panic button.
Fauci admitted they made many mistakes during the first round of COVID.
If he had to do it all over again, he says he would have recommended MORE restrictions be put in place.
Get Him Out
This man singlehandedly destroyed this country, and he dared to say that he would have locked it down even more, especially regarding masks.
Fauci stated, “If I knew in 2020, what I know now, we would do a lot differently because back then we were not sure of a number of things.
“We know now, two and a half years later, that anywhere from 50 to 60 percent of the transmission occur from someone without symptoms, either someone who never will get symptoms or someone who is in the pre-symptomatic stage.
“Had we known that then, the insidious nature of spread in the community would have been much more of an alarm and there would have been much, much more stringent restrictions in the sense of very, very heavy, encouraging people to wear masks, physical distancing or what have you.”
He continued, “I think the masking situation is one that is really critical that would have been done differently.
“First of all, we did not fully appreciate that a well-fitted K95 or NK95 mask is much, much better than a cloth mask and to wear a good mask, the data now are very clear that masks are very good at preventing both the acquisition of and transmission of infection.”
So, tell me, Dr. Fauci, do the masks work when everyone pulls them off their face to talk or speak into a microphone?
Do they work if they are not custom-fitted?
What about the countries that did not put such restrictions in place, ever, and came out without wrecking their economies?
Had we just worried about protecting the most vulnerable out of the gate and left everyone else alone, we probably would have had the same results as we had with all of these “protective” measures.
This was all about flexing muscle, nothing more.
Source: New York Post