FULL CIRCLE: Crime Riddled New York Begs for Police to Start Policing Again


New York City liberals are begging for the police to start policing again. Leaders in the Big Apple’s black community are getting a taste of their own medicine. They asked for and end to law enforcement – and they got it. Their great idea didn’t take long to boomerang back around full circle. A big slug of anarchy just whapped them in the face to make them think about what they did.

Black community begs for their police back

Now that leaders in New York City’s black community have seen an astronomical spike in violent crimes since demanding the police department be financially starved into helpless submission, they’re begging for their cops back. They want the NYPD to “reinstate” their “plainclothes anti-crime unit.” Maybe it wasn’t so terrible after all. Former cop and current Borough President in Brooklyn, Eric Adams, pleads with the NYPD “to stop the violence by re-instituting the Anti-Crime Unit.”

The liberal strategy has brought raging anarchy. “Right now, bad guys are saying if you don’t see a blue and white you can do whatever you want.” The job of the undercover specialists was “to get guns off the street.” Without them around, “shootings for the week went up 277 percent.” Adams admits that maybe police might have a purpose after all. “I think that a total elimination is something we need to reevaluate.”

NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea didn’t use the phrase “I told you so” but he meant it. What he did say is that “the increase in crime around the city was causing the city’s justice system to implode.” After they cut 600 plainclothes officers, the remaining officers were demoralized enough that the city saw “a massive increase in officers retiring.” Shea made it clear that the exodus was due, “at least in part, to the current anti-police climate that is being pushed by the political Left.”

They’re killing for some ‘bread’

Radical socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez downplayed the violence and looting. The reason for the crime surge is that people were “scared to pay their rent.” She didn’t get the memo that nobody is being evicted since the COVID-19 pandemic. AOC says the looters just needed some “bread.” They wanted bread alright, the kind you can fold and put in your pocket, not the kind that comes in a loaf. Anarchist opportunists are taking full advantage of the absence of police.

AOC casually ignores the fact that families struggling to feed their families just happen to be looting the luxury stores. The National Guard had been standing by and ready to spring into action to help the police but “Mayor Bill de Blasio resisted calls from top Democrats and Republicans to deploy the National Guard to restore order and stop the violence and looting.”

Since the police abandoned their posts, along with looting, robbery and theft, “a lot of the increase in crime that is garnering headlines is an increase in violent crime, including murders and shootings.” It’s not just happening in New York City either. All the liberal cities are having the same problem. Chris Herrmann explains, “Everyone has been cooped up in a lot of these cities for a long time.” The assistant professor of law and police science notes, “a lot of them are looking to settle scores for the last 12 or 14 weeks.” His colleague Emily Mooney agrees. “Mental health isn’t exactly thriving for the last couple of months for many individuals.”

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