Georgia Runoff Candidate is a Complete FAILURE, HERE is Why

georgia runoff candidate jon ossoff

Democrat Senate candidate Jon Ossoff raised 575% percent more money from California than he did from Georgia. The Left coast Liberals are trying to buy the seat and take over the country. All eyes are on the upcoming Senate runoffs in Georgia on January 5.

Democrat Jon Ossoff gets big bucks from Hollywood donors

In Georgia, Jon Ossoff seems to be running to be “California’s third senator.” He’s beloved by Hollywood culture and the state’s liberals. He’s a documentary filmmaker, after all — that’s his most recent expertise coming into this job, aside from losing a 2017 runoff for a U.S. House of Representatives seat.

California’s on the opposite coast from Georgia. It shares little in common in terms of culture, cuisine or really anything aside from the same language and Constitution. However, if the Democrats want the Senate, they need Ossoff — and Raphael Warnock, the other Democrat Georgia runoff challenger — to win.

And Hollywood is going to prop them up like nothing else, so much so that Ossoff has collected more than five times as much in donations from the Golden State as he has from his own state.

According to The New York Times, both Ossoff and Warnock have broken Federal Election Commission records by each netting over $100 million between Oct. 16 and Dec. 16 as they approach the Jan. 5 runoffs against GOP Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, respectively. Perdue has raised $68 million and Loeffler $64 million.

What the newspaper didn’t spend much time mentioning is where much of Ossoff’s money was coming from. According to an analysis of FEC records by Breitbart and confirmed by the New York Post, Ossoff raised $14,731,746 of that haul from the state of California. That’s 26.43 percent of his total in itemized contributions (which exceed $200 and, as the Post noted, are “able to be traced”) that quarter.

Limousine Liberals attempt to buy Georgia Senate seat

As for Georgia? He’s taken in just $2,550,267, or 4.57 percent of his total in itemized donations, from there. This was actually true during the general election, as well. According to an October analysis by the Washington Free Beacon, 87 percent of his third-quarter itemized donations came from outside Georgia and twice as much came from California as from the state Ossoff is seeking to represent.

One of the first major fundraising shindigs that Ossoff and Warnock made in the runoff campaign was a “Save the Senate” virtual Zoom event hosted not in Georgia but at Manny’s — a San Francisco-based restaurant that prides itself on being located in “a historic hub of activism and progressive action.”

The Hill, meanwhile, reported that Hollywood stars Patton Oswalt, Sarah Silverman, Sarah Cooper and Dulcé Sloan held a Dec. 18 fundraiser for the candidates.

At an event earlier this month with Vice President Mike Pence in Georgia to support Perdue and Loeffler, GOP Georgia Rep. Rick Allen slammed “limousine liberals” trying to dictate to Georgians how they should vote.

“I am sick and tired of these limousine liberals from California and New York deciding who our next two senators are going to be in the state of Georgia. Ossoff and Warnock couldn’t raise a dime in the state of Georgia,” Allen said.

“Y’all, this money is coming from California and New York, that is dead wrong! And it turns my stomach and I am tired of it and they tried to do the same thing to my buddy Lindsey Graham in South Carolina. We’re sick of it, go home to California and New York!”

They’re not going to. Like a plague of locusts, Lefties destroy their home states then migrate to Red states for more freedom and lower taxes. But they continue voting for the same ridiculous policies that destroyed their states in the first place. They just don’t get it.

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