Horrible Secret Service Plot Uncovered

secret service

Despite recent events, I have to say that I hold a great deal of admiration for the Secret Service.

I once had an extended conversation at a wedding of a friend with a man that was a retired Secret Service agent. He had long since retired but still carried himself with the same demeanor that you would hope a Secret Service agent would.

He was a very interesting guy to talk to, but one thing that I knew about him is that he would not under any circumstances tell you anything about a former President that wasn’t publicly known.

Those people see a lot of stuff that the First Family would like to keep private, and some stuff that was embarrassing.

Hell, he wouldn’t even tell me how many pounds of peanuts Jimmy Carter would eat in a week.

He’d apparently ask whoever the President was for permission to share stories. So, if you were looking for a story about a two in the morning bowl of cereal and Reagan didn’t tell him it was alright to say it, you’d never hear it out of him.

That being said, there are times when the Secret Service needs to be forthcoming about what goes on in the White House, like when a bag of cocaine is found.

Everyone remembers when in 2023 the Secret Service found a bag of Bolivian marching powder in the White House.

Now, you would think that something like this would prompt a full on investigation, but that’s not entirely the case.

Kimberly Cheatle, the former Secret Service director who was run out of town on a rail following the attempt on Donald Trump’s life reportedly wanted to destroy the evidence.

On the surface, that might seem like a baseless accusation.

However, when you dig deeper and realize that they closed the investigation without ever naming a suspect it makes me think that Cheatle was trying to do the Biden family a solid.

Joe Biden

I mean, it’s not like a member of the First Family doesn’t have someone in it with a history of cocaine abuse.

Just another incident that proves the leadership at the top of the Secret Service needs to be totally scrapped.

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