House GOP More Afraid of Pelosi Than We The People


After a pair of official meetings, one with responsible ranking conservatives in the Senate, and another with spineless weasel RINOs in the House, We the People are convinced that lower chamber Republicans are a whole lot more afraid of Nancy Pelosi than they are of their own constituents at home. Something needs to be done about that. Peacefully of course.

Weasels in the House

The United States House of Representatives appears to have been infested. Either by spineless jellyfish or sneaky weasels. We the People aren’t sure which but it must be one or the other. Tuesday, March 8, 2022 is a day which will be recorded in history, side-by-side with January 6, 2021. The differences are as stunning as the similarities.

Where the Senators wanted to listen, the lawmakers wanted to hide. Instead of a (probably) staged-on-demand-by-the-FBI-posing-as-QAnon Barbarian Invasion, a small delegation of We the People, with a high profile legal activist and two famous infectious disease doctors in tow, quietly and peacefully held meetings with members of the Senate. At least, things were peaceful as long as the mainstream media were kept out.

Liberal reporters are still in a snit over the way they were abused in front of the important Senators, so they refuse to air any of the footage that’s not edited by professional spin doctors first. Along with that, came an instant social media censorship blackout of the “official” recordings. The good stuff has already resurfaced, thanks to The video (above) is the most entertaining thing we’ve seen in a long time.

It shows the absolute beat down of the mainstream network media. As soon as they tried to throw around baited questions, the People’s Convoy delegation used their words against them in verbal rounds of logical abuse. Things got a little passionate but never crossed the line into anything more than peaceful disagreement. It’s probably the biggest reason the House didn’t want the camera in.

We the People delegates publicly acknowledged the network media is just doing their job to spread New World Order propaganda. They have the right to their opinion, too. Even so, it was crystal clear that the absolute last thing the House Transportation Committee members wanted was a public record of that meeting. When they found out that if WysiwygTv, the official videographer for the movement, wasn’t allowed in – then there wouldn’t be a meeting – they caved. It turned out alright for the Deep State though, because YouTube censored it into oblivion by 4 a.m D.C. time the following morning. The whole channel went dark for “distributing medical misinformation.

For the record, it was big wig-doctors, who testify in congressional hearings regularly, which were giving all the medical information. If you really want to know the TRUTH not just with the capitol “T” but all caps, watch the heavily censored video. As you watch that, be aware there is more they still want to hide but some of us have already seen it. We the People know what the Deep State wants to hide.

Call your representatives

What the Deep State does not want you to see is the way supposed conservative lawmakers whined about how impotent they are to do anything at all. They are clearly doing nothing but collecting a paycheck until somebody else neutralizes Nancy Pelosi and her iron grip on government.

She rules like a Queen and nobody in that room dared to even question it or make a suggestion on how to improve things. That’s where the decision was made that the next step should be to pressure each and every Congress member from the bottom up. Especially the House.

The recommended course of action is to phone your representatives and senators to let them know which side you’re on. Politics is not a spectator sport and you can vote in this election from your Android. Just dial the digits.

Here’s a couple lists of numbers for Representatives and Senate. After you call your voices in government, give somebody else’s a jingle too, just for luck. Call your Mayor and your Governor when you get done calling Senators and Congress members. Call your friends and tell them to call too.

The truckers and all their We the People supporters are fighting just as hard for their rights as anyone’s. The Senators, Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson, heard that message loud and clear.

Some Republican members of the House Transportation Committee including Rep. Garret Graves of Louisiana and Rep. Sam Graves of Missouri, who happens to be the top Republican on the committee, clearly showed exactly the opposite. Hopefully, that video will resurface soon.

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