Jim Jordan Flips the Tables on Schumer, Makes Chuck Eat His Own Words

Schumer Jim Jordan

Congressman Jim Jordan dramatically flipped the tables, karmically stuffing the words of Chuck Schumer right back down his throat. Back around the time President Trump was moving into the White House, in January of 2017, the New York Democrat warned that Barack Obama’s intelligence officials have “ways of getting back at you,” if you anger them. The dates match up with the trap that Obama’s intelligence officials laid for Michael Flynn.

Charles Schumer knew about the Deep State conspiracy

During a recent interview, the Ohio Republican pointed out the time Schumer appeared on the Rachel Maddow show to brag, “If you mess with the intel community, they have six ways at getting back at you.” That was only hours before Peter Strzok “overruled” FBI agents who cleared retired General Michael Flynn, saying he “did nothing wrong.”

According to Jim Jordan, James Comey and Andrew McCabe ordered Strzok to keep the investigation going. Only two days after that, on January 6, “the FBI and other people in the intel community in the Obama administration go to Trump Tower and try to set up the president.”

That was a fateful meeting. After it was over, Comey demanded to “talk to the president.” He sat down with President Trump to tell him all about Christopher Steele’s dossier, which, “they already knew was false.” Jordan insists that the Federal Bureau of Instigation knew it “was paid for by the Clinton campaign” and that was just for starters.

The set up of Michael Flynn

Chuck Schumer is regretting that he called so much attention to the Deep State back then. Only two weeks later, Jordan notes, “we have the FBI going to the White House to set up Michael Flynn.” As Jordan emphasized, “all that happens in three weeks’ time. This shows they were out to get the president.

Not only was Obama’s Department of Injustice out to get Trump, “they were willing to do whatever it took to get him, including going after a three-star general who had served our country for three decades.”

Former lawmaker Trey Gowdy was also on the program. He agrees that the recently uncovered notes taken by FBI agent Bill Priestap in preparation for the interview with General Flynn prove the FBI set him up. Schumer wasn’t joking when he said there would be revenge. It isn’t even a close call. “There was absolutely no evidence that Michael Flynn was an agent of a foreign power the entire time they spent looking at him.”

“In December of 2016, they had nothing,” Gowdy proclaimed, “So they’re about to close the investigation without even interviewing him.” All of that suddenly changed when they got a phone call from Sergey Kislyak. That’s when Peter Strzok “seemed more interested in setting up an American general than he is figuring out what the Russian generals were doing to this country.

The set up was obvious, Gowdy declares. “They send two agents over there without informing the White House, without informing the Department of Justice, and they wanted to set him up. That is not the FBI that this country needs.”

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