Joe Rogan Drops Harris Bombshell

Kamala Harris
“Kamala Harris” by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

About two weeks ago, Donald Trump sat down with Joe Rogan for three hours to do a podcast interview.

Trump came to Austin, set no rules, and answered every question that Rogan threw at him.

Rogan wanted to do the same interview with Kamala Harris, but it had to be on her terms, so he refused.

That’s a No

Donald Trump’s interview with Rogan has probably been seen by 100 million viewers at this point (it had 50 million views in the first 48 hours).

Kamala Harris could have had the same reach, but she wanted the rules to be changed in her favor.

Harris wanted Rogan to come to her, and she only wanted the interview to be for an hour, which did not sit well with Rogan.

Instead, Senator JD Vance (R-OH) took her spot, but Rogan did later explain why he decided to balk on the Harris interview.

Rogan explained, “The thing is, if I go somewhere, then there’s going to be other people in the room, and they want to control a lot of things, I’m sure, according to the Bret Baier interview on Fox.

“Like, people were waving him off. That’s a distraction. People in the room — like, my whole goal with her and with him was ‘just talk. Just sit, have a conversation like a human being.’

“You find out things about people, you get a sense of them, at least. A real sense. That was it, I don’t give a f*** what we talk about, I really don’t. I just want to talk to you.”

This was a huge opportunity for Harris to literally reach about 50% of voters in this country, and she blew it.

Think about it… in the last election, there were about 150 million votes cast, which is about 65% of eligible voters in this county.

If Harris has anywhere near the reach that Trump had, she could have reached at least 30% of voters, and surely some of them are still on the fence.

Instead, because she could not rig the interview to be in her favor, she decided to skip it and continue to do friendly interviews.

And that is why Trump has all the momentum in this race right now.

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