LEFTIST Teacher Union VP says its ‘Unsafe’ to return to the classrooms — Then posts poolside photos of Vacation

sarah chambers vacation puerto rico covid lockdown chicago

A Chicago teacher is coming under fire after demanding schools remain closed for the safety of the staff, then later posting a picture of herself swimming in Puerto Rico. Her selfish agenda is clear, she wants to use COVID-19 as an excuse to extend her vacation while struggling Americans are stuck at home. Liberals are such soulless monsters.

Chicago teacher vacations in Puerto Rico after begging for lockdown

“This is the most difficult time. Transmission is the highest. It’s dark and cold. People are indoors and the holidays are coming, so there’s going to be a lot of transmissions,” said the Chicago Teacher Union President at a recent meeting with the Chicago Board of Education.

The union has been adamantly opposed to resuming in-school classes, arguing that it’s much safer to offer a beefed-up remote learning plan until the vaccine can do its work to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection.

One of the most prominent voices for CTU is Sarah Chambers, an area Vice President. Who as recently as Thursday, tweeted to rally special education teachers not to return to work Monday because it’s unsafe.

Just a few hours earlier she posted the following pictures in her Instagram account from a poolside in Puerto Rico. Her Instagram account is now private.

sarah chambers chicago teacher lockdown covid

Democrats using COVID-19 lockdowns as play time

Sarah Chambers is a radical Lefty teacher who goes by the name “sarah4justice” on instagram. She also has pictures wearing gay pride flags, a shirt that says “White silence is violence,” and a post referring to her followers as “comrades.” Disgusting.

The Left has proven time and time again they are selfish hypocrites with no moral compass whatsoever. They lie, cheat, steal, scam and don’t give a damn about making America great. It’s clear many Lefties despise America and they’re only here to loot and pillage everything they can before the country collapses into a Socialist hell hole like Venezuela. We can’t let these people take control.


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