Pregnant Illegal Gives Birth Only Moments After Crossing Border

This has to be outlawed.
Border Crossings
Photo via CBC News YouTube Video Screenshot

President Trump, earlier this year, announced he wanted to end birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants.

This week, an incident at the border made the case for him, as a Guatemalan woman gave birth within an hour of illegally entering the United States.

Now, by law, her child is an American citizen, even though the entry was done illegally.

How Is This Legal?

One of the biggest problems in terms of illegal entry is immigrants coming across the border, not even caring if they get caught, to give birth.

There is actually a whole tourism industry set up specifically for pregnant women to travel to our country to have a baby on our soil to ensure the child is an American citizen.

In this case, Border Patrol agents captured the 27-year-old woman as she was crossing the California-Mexican border.

She was accompanied by her husband and two other children.

The entire family was taken to the Chula Vista Border Patrol station after their apprehension.

This happened at around 2:30 p.m. local time.

Even though the woman was visibly pregnant, she did not tell officers she was in any agony or expecting to give birth, but that changed rather quickly.

According to reports, right around 3:00 p.m. local time, she went into labor while her family was receiving their medical evaluations.

She gave birth soon afterward and was then transferred to a nearby hospital to receive care.

Supervisory Border Patrol Agent Jeff Stephenson stated, “The woman crossed into the U.S. illegally with her husband and two children, ages 2 and 12. The family walked around the end of the primary wall near the base of the Otay Mountain.

“They did not climb over the border wall. She gave birth approximately 30 minutes after being originally encountered by agents.”

This is not a one-off occurrence, either, as there have already been 33 births by illegals soon after capture since October in just the San Diego sector.

This has to be stopped, and not just because it is illegal for these individuals to come into the country this way.

Pregnant women are being dragged across the desert during their late-term, putting their life and the life of the child at risk.

This is exactly why we need to support Trump’s quest to end birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants.

  1. Authorities should have picked her up and placed her on the other side of the border. Going forward, American taxpayers will not only fund her for current medical expenses, but all necessities, probably for life, while she busies herself adding to her “family”. We deserve better, the caliber of this individual is not something we need to add to our population. Birth right citizenship should be eliminated and back dated decades.

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