Puerto Rico Official Fired After Massive Relief Resource Abuse Discovered… Trump Was Right!

Trump said this was happening all along!
Hurricane Supplies
Photo via WCVB Video Screenshot

Democrats would love you to believe that the emergency relief problems in Puerto Rico are the fault of the Trump administration.

Trump, on numerous occasions, has pointed to local, corrupt officials that are simply not doing their jobs.

When a report broke on Saturday that an entire warehouse stocked with supplies was discovered, Carlos Acevedo, the P.R. Director of the Office of Emergency Management, was fired, proving Trump right.

The Discovery

Early Saturday, the internet started to blow up with videos of Puerto Rico.

Some locals opened the door of a warehouse and inside were pallets of water and emergency supplies that were just sitting there unused.

Many of these supplies were from the relief efforts after Hurricane Maria hit two years ago.

Why these supplies were never sent out to the people, many of whom are still without running water, is baffling.

After the discovery was made, Puerto Rico Gov. Wanda Vázquez Garced fired Acevedo and named Maj. Gen. José J. Reyes of the Puerto Rico National Guard to take over.

I Did Nothing Wrong

After being fired, Acevedo maintained that he did nothing wrong.

The governor, however, did not agree, stating, “There are thousands of people who made sacrifices to bring aid to the south and it’s unforgivable that resources have been kept in a warehouse.”

The only solace in all of this is that the people of Puerto Rico at least have supplies available to get them through the problems they are now facing from the recent earthquake and tremors to ravage the island.

The flip side of that, of course, is how many people needlessly suffered due to the mismanagement of these supplies by Acevedo.

Honestly, firing this man is not enough, as he should be prosecuted to the full extent the law allows simply to make the point that this type of abuse and neglect will no longer be tolerated in this country by government officials.

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