Records Reveal Hunter Biden BEGGING Drug Dealer For Crack


Hunter Biden couldn’t score locally in Los Angeles so he was forced to rely on his Maryland crack dealer to mail him some goodies. Emails show Voshawn Sample isn’t exactly Mr. Reliable. “Man same thing. I really can’t believe you did that to me 3 times. I’m finished man. I thought you were the last honest man in the life,” Biden texted.

Hunter out of monkey food

Back on June 12, 2018, Hunter Biden had a monkey on his back to feed and he was out of monkey chow. According to New York Post, records pried from his laptop detail the way Biden begged “one of Maryland’s ‘most wanted’ bad guys to mail him crack cocaine at a luxury hotel.

The email collection spans months. At the time, Biden was using the founder of the Mormon church’s name as an alias, Joseph Smith.

Of course, Hunter never came right out and said the words “crack” or “cocaine” in the email. He used euphemisms but everyone knows what he was talking about. “On the other end of the texts was Voshawn Sample, a 47-year-old panhandler wanted for a September 2021 armed robbery and assault at a liquor store.

Sample allegedly “shot an employee of Champion Liquors before taking $10,000.” Police like to think of him as “armed, dangerous and unpredictable.” He even made “Maryland’s Most Wanted.” They have him in jail now.

Back in 2018, Hunter was begging Sample to send him a sample. The number he texted matches the one Sample used back in the day. His dealer wasn’t all that dependable.

On June 12, 2018 an anxious Biden tapped out “Man same thing. I really can’t believe you did that to me 3 times. I’m finished man. I thought you were the last honest man in the life.” Sample had a good reason for the delay.


Mom home on vacation

I’m gonna be honest with you,” Sample replied. “My mother has been on vacation and I couldn’t cook nothing up in my house because my mother has been acting crazy lately.” The entrepreneur promised to make it right to Hunter.

When you come home please come to my house and I don’t want you to bring a dollar with you buddy. I still have that for you I promise. Is you gonna come get what’s yours.

Hunter patiently explained he was still in LA and jonesing for a fix. “FEDEX or overnight Mail at Post Office to Guest Joseph Smith (HB). 8221 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, California. Chateau Marmont Hotel.

The package never arrived, which left Biden rather perturbed. “So you never sent anything like you said you would. Why am I talking to you.” Because you’re addicted and even in Los Angeles can’t find a connection.

That’s when Sample put the bite on him. “Later texts show the person begging Hunter Biden for cash to pay legal fees, with the first son responding that he would send $800 bucks.” Just get to the post office.

Biden should probably thank him for the free rehab treatment. Of course, the FBI won’t actually investigate Democrat for anything. They’re too busy instigating trouble with patriotic conservatives.

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