The city of Miami instituted an 8:00 PM curfew in the middle of spring break and needless to say the revelers are none too happy about it. It’s too late and too costly to move to another city at this late date. The spring break tradition and the huge sums of cash a city rakes in from it are enormous. But what are the chances Miami will remain one of the most popular spots? My guess is that the odds are very long against it.
Miami dissolves into a third world dumpster fire
Needless to say, many of the partyers have refused to honor the curfew and some of them have become very violent, committing acts of vandalism and causing one popular restaurant to close. The city has sent in regular law enforcement as well as SWAT teams to break them up.
The iconic Clevelander, a popular restaurant and bar in South Beach Miami has announced that they will be closed until at least March 24, due to the “increased violence” by Spring Breakers.
“The situation has gotten bad enough that we don’t feel comfortable asking our employees to come into work,” explains the attorney representing the Clevelander, Alexander Tachmes. He says they will meet next week to reassess the closure.
Last night in Miami Beach… #BecauseMiami #SpringBreakForever
— Billy Corben (@BillyCorben) March 20, 2021
Curfew instated to stop rowdy Spring Break crowd
Miami Beach Police say they’re doing everything they can to keep people safe as spring breakers have caused violence and chaos along the streets of South Beach.
News of the increased police patrol comes less than a day after a street melee on Ocean Drive between Eighth and Ninth streets prompted police officers to fire pepper balls to disperse a crowd in South Beach. Officers then detained at least three people, and Miami Beach Fire Rescue personnel responded to help the few who were injured.
A SWAT vehicle was filmed moving down Ocean Drive – a popular party street – and using an LRAD, also known as a sound cannon, to get people to disperse, a video posted to Twitter shows.
The move to control the crowds followed weeks of wild partying in Miami Beach, which is no stranger to uncontrollable spring break throngs of young people.
Two men are arrested for 'drugging, raping and robbing woman, 24,' who later died in her Miami hotel room while on spring break
— Billy (@Billy2_O) March 23, 2021