
Two connected Pennsylvania based ground freight companies, with contracts to carry the U.S. Mail, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last week. Things have been pretty grim all across the trucking industry. The whole crisis can be blamed on Democrat policies, which sent fuel prices and inflation skyrocketing.

Mail carrier goes broke

On Wednesday, September 28, mail hauler McClellan Trucking Inc. “filed its petition in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania.

Five days earlier, parent company Duran Transfer Inc. filed for similar protection. Both organizations share the same Waterford, Pennsylvania address.

Joe Biden can take all of the credit for putting the companies out of business after more than 30 years of faithful service to the community. Joe also put 23 more people out of work to save the planet from diesel fumes.

Between the two companies, they operated nine power units with 21 drivers. McClellan exclusively hauled mail but Duran Transfer hauled “general freight, household goods and building materials, among other cargo.

The sharks are circling and getting ready for a bloody fight over every penny that’s left. The IRS will be at the top of the list. They won’t take the check is in the mail for an excuse. That’s why Joe needs all those armed and bloodthirsty new agents.

Corporate attorney Guy F. Fustine declared in court filings that there are two secured creditors. “The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue filed a judgment against McClellan for over $4,000.” They believe that judgment is “cross-collateralized by a tax assessment lien against debtor’s property, including cash collateral.

Up to 49 creditors

Back in May, Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania filed a UCC-1 financing statement with the Pennsylvania Department of State claiming $24,200. Court filings “list the companies’ assets and liabilities as between $100,000 and $500,000.

Between the two mail transfer companies, they “have up to 49 creditors and maintain that funds will be available for distribution to unsecured creditors once it pays administrative fees.

One of those nervous creditors is Penske Truck Leasing. They’re “listed as an unsecured creditor on both petitions, owed nearly $16,300.” Citizens Bank of Rhode Island wants “nearly $59,000” back. Joe Biden has a soldier with a gun standing by to collect $29,000 from McClellan and $34,000 from Duran.


Since May, “two other trucking companies that haul mail for the Postal Service have filed for bankruptcy.” Those would be “Family-owned Matheson Postal Services Inc. of Sacramento, California” and Family-owned Rooney Trucking Inc. of Polo, Missouri.

Rooney Trucking was a 67-year-old trucking company who’s 37 drivers and 66 power units were exclusively devoted to hauling the mail. Their attorney, Ryan Blay told FreightWaves that “fuel and labor expenses were certainly issues that affected Rooney Trucking Inc.

That’s not all though. “The bigger issue, though, was the decision by the U.S. Postal Service to take away some routes and cancel certain contracts.” We’ll soon be back to the pony express.

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