Top Chinese Official REMOVED IN SHAME

Chinese Official Removed
Photo via Fox News Video Screenshot

Something very odd happened at this Chinese Communist Party meeting.

Former President Hu Jintao was removed from the meeting during the closing ceremony.

This happened while he had been sitting next to President Xi.

It apparently happened with his blessing.


Xi’s predecessor was sitting next to Xi at the time of the removal.

Out of nowhere, several security officials showed up behind Hu to escort him out of the meeting.

It also appeared that some documents that Hu had may have been at the center of this issue.

An official next to Hu handed a folder that Hu had in front of him to the security officials.

Hu then tried to get a piece of paper that was sitting on the table, but Xi put his hand on it to keep it there…

There still has been no clarification on why Hu was removed.

Oddly enough, there was no mention of the removal in the Chinese media.

Source: Fox News

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