Trump HEARTBREAKING Moment, Audience in Tears

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When you think Trump, you think venom.

Donald Trump does not open up personally very often, but he will have to if he wants to become more likable.

Well, Trump just did it, and it was probably due to some advice from Barron.

Opening Up

Democrats have Trump painted as a monster, so any interviews where Trump can show a softer side are gold right now.

After all, everything has flipped… Trump is now talking policy, and Democrats are the ones slinging mud.

Even after the Obamas dumped all over Trump, he said he respected Obama, but he was just bad on trade (it was an amazing job of Trump keeping it about policy).

Trump just did a podcast interview with Theo Von, who has a much younger audience and it is something that Trump would never have done before. Rumors are that he is leaning on Barron for advice in this department, as this is now the second interview that Trump has done with a young podcaster.

Von is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict, and Trump shared a very relevant story with him…

Dems are terrified of Trump looking human in this election, and interviews like that will be their worst fear.

This is the side of Trump we need to see more of, and for those of you saying no, we need more venom and nicknames, well, I would say, how did that work out in 2020?

Kamala Harris’s website does not include policies, and she does not conduct interviews, so Trump needs to conduct every interview he can find and hammer home policy and personal stories.

If he keeps doing that, the honeymoon lead that Harris has spotted will be gone in no time.

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