US Residents Are Being Exposed to These DEADLY Toxins


More than a week after a massively toxic train derailment near East Palestine, Ohio, residents in two states have serious concerns about the safety of their air and water. They were told it was safe to return home but they aren’t so sure. They don’t believe that officials actually understand the full situation, pointing out that the tests performed could be inadequate to the task. That makes data inconclusive. Isn’t it better to err on the side of safety? The truly scary part is that there are more hazards and much more serious concerns than the residents know. Chemically sensitive TILT afflicted “canaries” can tell you all about what happens when you’re exposed to toxins. That’s why Joe Biden makes such a big deal about “burn pits.” Cancer isn’t the only life shattering health risk.

Toxic chemicals everywhere

Toxic chemicals spewed into the air, water and soil including phosgene (better known as mustard gas,) have local residents questioning the “all-clear” they got to return to their homes in “safety.” They don’t feel very safe. Vinyl chloride, arsenic and several varieties of dioxins, along with an unknown concoction of other substances were blasted out uncontrollably.

Around 9:00 p.m. on February 3, 50 cars in a 141-car train derailed, “burst into flames and stoked fears of a ‘potential explosion.” Residents were quickly evacuated from a full one-mile radius. One which included East Palestine, Ohio, and Beaver County, Pennsylvania.

Resident Maura Todd believed the experts but the “headaches and nausea her family experienced at their house last weekend” give her doubts. Along with “the pungent odor that reminds her of a mixture of nail polish remover and burning tires.

She’s moving out. That, “canaries” advise, is a really smart thing to do. The sooner you escape the toxic contaminants, the better. Just because experts say it’s safe doesn’t mean it is. She’s one of the lucky ones who can. She also assures everyone she didn’t make the decision lightly.

The situation could be much more toxic than they are being told. “I’ve watched every news conference and I haven’t heard anything that makes me think that this is a data-driven decision. We don’t feel like we have a whole lot of information.

A week after an “explosion that sent flames into the air and a cloud of smoke across parts of the village,”  later “leading authorities to release a toxic plume,” residents say they haven’t seen “a full list of the chemicals that were aboard the train when it lost its course.

Dead fish spotted

Bewildered residents want to believe that it’s really safe but have a hard time when “dead fish had been spotted.” Their pets are having problems too. In Pennsylvania, they were told everything would be fine if they simply “open their windows, turn on fans and wipe down all surfaces with diluted bleach.” Peter DeCarlo, an environmental health professor at Johns Hopkins University wants to know “what, if anything, is still being released from the site.” He wants to know because, “if there are still residual chemical emissions, then that still presents a danger for people in the area.

Officials might not even be using the right instruments to detect all the toxic chemicals. All Eric Whitining knows is that “the air smells like an ‘over-chlorinated swimming pool‘ and his eyes burn.” He has no choice. “He can’t move his family of five out of their home, so he says he has no choice but to stay put and follow authorities’ instructions.” Whitining voiced what’s on many minds in the area. “For a small town, we have to trust them, because what else do we have to do? We have to trust that they are not lying to us.

One chemically sensitive canary told Right Wing News Hour that “the most important part of this situation is that exposure to toxic chemicals, now, could easily cause a whole lot more problems down the road.Toxicant Induced Loss of Tolerance is a highly controversial condition which is estimated to affect around one in four Americans, even though most of them never heard of it and have no idea they have it.

The reason for that is all the research has been suppressed since the 1980’s. The lid blew off with an explosive research report and suddenly, Joe Biden started talking about “burn pits.” He still won’t talk about cleaning chemicals.

Once a person with the genetic predisposition is exposed in an ‘initial toxic exposure,’ as many are in this derailment incident, they could develop intolerance to an ever widening range of commonly used chemicals.” Especially cleaning chemicals and those with a fragrance. “Once a TILT condition is activated, there’s no way to stop it or reverse it. The only option for anyone involved is total avoidance of any chemical which triggers a reaction.” Reactions tend to mimic other diseases, from flu to fibromyalgia to allergy. That’s one of the reason’s it is so controversial. Once active, it grows progressively worse.

Any of us ‘canaries‘ who are aware of our condition are generally at the point where we avoid society completely and remain in constant COVID-like quarantine from the world.” The incurable condition quickly becomes a debilitating one. Stephen Paddock was afflicted but the FBI won’t admit that. Or admit it was his motivation for shooting up Las Vegas.


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