There aren’t any racist pigs from the police in the open societies utopia called CHAZ. They can murder black people all they want without professional help, thank you very much. Things turned deadly in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone over the weekend. One black shooting victim died and another is struggling for his life, because ignorant Antifa savages wouldn’t even allow officers onto their turf to render first aid.
No police allowed
Antifa type radicals got a taste of their own medicine early Saturday morning, while learning a lesson they missed by ditching school. Now they know exactly what “anarchy” means. The police tried to render aid and transport the shooting victims but the angry mob fought them off.
An unidentified 19-year-old black man was murdered by the peaceful protesters illegally occupying six square blocks of Seattle. A second victim is listed in critical condition requiring intensive care in a nearby hospital on the American side.
No arrests have been made and none are likely. Seattle police announced on Sunday that they continue to investigate but aren’t getting much to go on because nobody wants to cooperate with the pigs. The incident occurred somewhere around 2:30 a.m. in the kingdom of anarchy. All they know for sure is “the suspect or suspects fled the scene.”
He’s already gone
When police were called from inside the cordoned off area, they “were met by a violent crowd that prevented officers safe access to the victims.” Video taken by police “appeared to show officers arriving at the protest zone saying they wanted to get to the victim.”
The mob added to the confusion by yelling “that the victim was already gone.” Officers were forced to retreat from the zone “after clashes with protesters,” according to local station KIRO-TV.
The anarchists rapidly formed an ambulance service. “Private vehicles took two males with gunshot wounds to Harborview Medical Center,” and dropped them off. Their chances would have been a lot better if they allowed the professionals to act quickly. Don’t black lives really matter to anarchists?
The most disturbing part of the whole debacle is that the mayor of Seattle is all for it and the Governor refuses to lift a finger to stop the violent occupation and seizure of private property. In Washington state, law and order are a thing of the past. “The community is at grave risk,” warns Mike Solan, president of a police union representing more than 1,000 Seattle officers.