This is one of those unique situations where a Reuters “Fact Check” really doesn’t make a story any better for the person they’re trying desperately to defend. In 2019, during a little-noticed interview with the Chicago Tribune’s Bill Ruthhart ‘Chi-raq’ Mayor Lori Lightfoot REALLY opened up, in retrospect, she probably feels a bit too much. The story: “Lori Lightfoot unfiltered: The full Tribune Q&A with Chicago’s mayor-elect” Did in fact contain the following quote in context where one of America’s most Mayor’s in American history let slip that one of her hiring criteria for “agencies and the deputies” that they “are pledging allegiance to ‘the new world order’ and good governance.”
With the distinct implication that only Lightfoot’s governance is “good governance” and that hers is, at least for Chicago the “new world order”. By itself is frightening stuff. When you have the leader of America’s “Second City”, ascribing to a “New World Order” which in her mind means obliterating the traditional system of Alderman that Chicago has employed for over a century and strong-arming other city offices in order to ram through her progressive-socialist policies, then that sentence has some new weight.
“The way that aldermanic prerogative works is there’s got to be compliance with the executive branch, because otherwise it doesn’t work. So, you’ve got to eliminate that compliance, and you make it a mandate. And then you do training, particularly in the city licensing departments whether it’s zoning, buildings, housing will be impacted by it, planning certainly, and you pick the people who run those agencies and the deputies that are pledging allegiance to ‘the new world order’ and good governance. And then I think you have the inspector general do some spot audits to make sure that there is real compliance.”
As USA Today attempts to explain it away, “Under the practice, Chicago City Council members could veto city government or City Council actions that would affect their ward, even if they were the only person objecting. Lightfoot ran her campaign on the promise that she’d eliminate the practice, which stretches back to the mid-19th century, according to the Encyclopedia of Chicago.” But what the lefties in the mainstream media don’t get is that their explanation doesn’t make this ANY less frightening! The fact that local, regional, state, and yes, even Federal elected officials think that it is okay to ride the far-left socialist ticket into an office and then sweep aside the old forms of governance in order to impose their “new world order” of progressive-socialist public planning is precisely what Americans should be fighting against at every level of government from a Mayor, a Congresswoman, or a President.
America’s worst mayor says that Chicago workers must submit to the “new world order.”
— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) September 22, 2021
Normal Politicians Don’t Talk About Subordinates “Pledging Allegiance To ‘The New World Order’- Not a Mayor or a President
The Democrat-Socialists and leftist media will tell you its just colorful speech, or that Lightfoot is using the idiom of a “new world order”, but let’s get something really, really straight: normal politicians (yes, we’re talking about President George H.W. Bush too) don’t speak like that. This is especially true of a Mayor who rode a wave of six socialist city council members and alderman elections into office with their enthusiastic blessing.