FBI is in ‘Full-Blown Retaliation’ Purge Mode


ICYMI – The FBI, terrified bureaucrats say, is “purging conservatives from the agency who dare to question the left’s January 6 narrative.” Staffers who have a conscience “have told congressman Jim Jordan that the agency is in full-blown retaliation mode.” They went running to the Judiciary Committee, blowing a really loud whistle.

FBI purging conservatives

Laura Ingraham announced on Tuesday, June 7, when she hosted Jim Jordan, that an anonymous “decorated” Iraq War veteran is “accusing the FBI of allegedly purging conservatives.

At least one of the employees “reportedly had a security clearance taken away and then he was indefinitely suspended from his duty and got his pay taken away for disagreeing with their January 6 narrative.” If they were involved with the rumored undercover operation to exploit followers of “Q-Anon,” then things could get really explosive.

Jordan couldn’t reveal much about his source but did confirm that He’s a “decorated Iraqi War veteran” being run out of the bureau. His very “allegiance to the country is being questioned” because he had the guts to stand up and question leadership authority.

Jordan also tweeted about it, noting “the FBI had the audacity to question the whistleblower’s loyalty to the country!

Another individual, the Ohio lawmaker verifies, “is also having the same thing happen to them simply because, on an anonymous questionnaire, they said something that the leadership disagreed with.” That something was also about the barbarian insurrection.

As Jordan points out, “we now have had six agents come forward as whistleblowers — two on the school boards narrative… and four now, regarding January 6. That is a concern to us, but we’ve had literally a half-a-dozen FBI agents come to our committee.

Rats in charge of the cheese

It’s another example of rats guarding the cheese and it’s happening all over government. Besides the FBI, the Pentagon issued the infamous “Stand Down” order. As the spring of 2021 rolled around, suddenly the military brass decided “to make sure there are no ‘unsavory’ people in our military.” Unsavory meaning “conservative.

The IRS got caught targeting conservatives, and “the Justice Department labels law-abiding concerned citizens domestic terrorists.

Congressman Jordan sees all that as “the weaponization of government against your political foes.” What was done to Donald Trump makes Nixon’s Watergate look harmless.

At the FBI today, Merrick Garland is about to go down in history as the Attorney General who declared parents to be “domestic terrorists” for being involved in their children’s indoctrination at school. You can’t call it “education” because the children aren’t learning anything useful.

Another way that demonstrates the weaponization is the recently defeated Disinformation Governance Board. Even though it didn’t go through as planned, “that might still be in operation,” Jordan warns. To put it in context, “And the context here with the FBI… remember, a few years ago they spied on President Trump.

Then it was the actions they took against parents regarding the school board situation and then two whistleblowers last month had come forward who attended the Jan. 6 rally, on their own time, with their spouse, didn’t go into the Capitol, haven’t been charged… but they’ve had their security clearance taken from them too, which is always the first step in termination.

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