Liberal State ‘Accidentally” Doxes Gun Owners


Justice Department officials in the rabidly liberal state of California swear up and down it was an accident. Maybe it was and maybe it wasn’t. Either way, the names, addresses and other identifying information of “all concealed weapons permit holders” got published on their “2022 Firearms Dashboard Portal.”

Liberal State ‘doxes’ gun owners

The good news, California’s liberal gun-hating administrators assure, is that the breach didn’t last long. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t damage from their “accidental” doxing of all the state’s conceal carry permit holders.

It looks like they were trying to let residents know who around them in the neighborhood dared to pack concealed heat. That way, local youth can tell who to rob and who to pass by. When it backfired, DOJ said “oops,” and let it go at that.

Authorities with the California Department of Justice admitted “a data breach has exposed the personal information of every person with a California permit to carry a concealed weapon.”

When the liberal administration opened the brand new Firearms Dashboard Portal, it became a gateway to the evil underworld. The State Sheriff’s Association was the first to notice.

When they saw what was available to the general public online, the association gave the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office a jingle, to tell them what the liberal Democrat leaders failing to run the state had been up to.

This public site allows access to certain information, however, personal information of concealed carry weapon permit holders is not supposed to be visible. This includes, but is not limited to a person’s name, age, address, Criminal Identification Index number and license type.” The type options are “Standard, Judicial, Reserve and Custodial.

Yanked it down fast

As soon as they were alerted to the “inadvertent” disclosure, Justice Department officials “pulled down the dashboard site along with all related links.” They admit it isn’t foolproof.

They cringingly warned that “it is possible that some private information was posted elsewhere online.” At this point, the liberal damage control team really doesn’t know for sure how long the “information was accessible.”

The new Democratically inclined liberal Attorney General Rob Bonta had his assistant tell law enforcement, meaning the angry Sheriffs, he’s “working with urgency” to “determine the breach’s scope.”

Once he figures out how bad it is, he “plans to contact permit holders to directly advise them.” He promises the state’s heavily but not so secretly armed citizens he’ll “institute a program to mitigate harm or damages that permit holders suffer as a result of the breach.

At least the liberal new AG is smart enough to know when the state’s on the losing end of a dispute.

We are investigating an exposure of individuals’ personal information connected to the DOJ Firearms Dashboard. Any unauthorized release of personal information is unacceptable. We are working swiftly to address this situation and will provide additional information as soon as possible.

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