Mayorkas Thinks Asking Migrants Nicely Not to Come Will Actually Work


Alleged Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the man responsible for the ongoing invasion of our formerly sovereign nation, thinks residents of third-world bleep-hole countries will believe him and take him seriously when he orders “do not come because our border is not open.” Sure it’s not. Everyone knows that’s a lie right there. Still, that’s his number one defense and he’s sticking to it.

Mayorkas has a plan

Alejandro Mayorkas is getting a little touchy about having to vindicate his lack of action securing our borders and defending the security of America’s homeland. He told the migrants, expected to arrive at a rate of 18,000 every single day until supplies run out, not to bother making the perilous journey north.

The way he sees it, his job’s done. He went in front of the unblinking glass eye over at CNN Sunday, May 1, to call the whole thing somebody else’s problem.

Migrants, no matter how many show up, still only have a 50/50 chance of getting in and eventually being allowed to stay. He’s all set up to send 9,000 applicants per day back to the end of the line, to start over with a better story.

What happens now,” Mayorkas hedges, “is individuals are either expelled under the Title 42 authority or they are placed in immigration enforcement proceedings.

It’s not his problem because he doesn’t make policy decisions. That came from higher up the New World Order open-borders globalism food chain, passed down the line by Joe Biden’s handlers in Brussels.

Mayorkas is well aware that when “18,000 migrants are encountered on the US-Mexico border daily” starting May 23, it will definitely put a “strain on the system.

Welcome to America

The way Mayorkas figures, his job is to start handing out 9,000 Welcome to America starter packs to the most deserving asylees his team meets each day, until his supply of free cell phones run out.

Every incoming invader gets one to be tracked with. It’s all part of his six-point plan to streamline the invasion process.

What we do is we prepare, and we plan, and we’ve been doing so for months,” he promised liberals on Sunday. “It is our responsibility to be prepared for different scenarios and that is what we are doing.

Mayorkas did his job. “He stressed that preparations were underway and cited a 20-page memorandum released last week describing the plans in detail.

After he got his main message out on the airwaves, Mayorkas had some time left over so used it to promise that DHS really does have “a handle” on the “42 individuals who were on the terrorist screening database.” The ones who “had been encountered on the US-Mexico border.

DHS knows “where those 42 individuals are on the TSDB, the terrorist screening database. Let me share with you what happens: They can be removed, they can be placed into custody for criminal prosecution, they can be cooperating in a law enforcement investigation, and I don’t intend to provide that data publicly if it’s law enforcement-sensitive.” In other words, “trust me.

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