New Details Emerge on The Escort Killer


Nicole Flanagan, 42, a woman known to work as an escort in New York City was found dead, naked, and stuffed into a drum in Northern New Jersey, near the intersection of Hobart and Teaneck Roads in Ridgefield Park Village. Her body had been dumped there 36 hours before. Sometimes these cases are best explained by running the timeline backward.

Starting when a van was shown by Security cameras to have been driving around the neighborhood where Flanagan was found via E-Z Pass freeway toll tracking to match a vehicle crossing the George Washington Bridge.

Minutes before, Auriello Parker and another individual were sent leaving a building in Springfield Gardens, Queens with “a large drum” matching the description of the one found in Ridgefield Park Village. This has led police to believe that Parker, 29 was involved in Flanagan’s death.

New Details In The Escort Killer Mystery

Auriello, according to Bergen Detectives was waiting for Nicole at a deluxe Wall Street Apartment after the two traded texts on August 6th according to Parker’s arrest warrant. Flanagan arrived at 1:45 AM and entered an elevator with Parker. She was never seen alive again.

According to The Dailly Voice,

“The pieces then began falling together.

Parker turned himself in to the NYPD last weekend after city detectives identified him from the surveillance images captured at the building.

He was extradited to New Jersey to face charges of being an accomplice to disturbing, moving and/or concealing human remains; being an accomplice to desecrating, damaging and/or destroying human remains; and conspiring with a co-defendant to disturb, move, conceal and/or desecrate a deceased body.”

Detectives found that the van Parker had allegedly driven was rented in June but never returned. Parker had reportedly told someone at the building in Queens who had seen him moving the barrel that he was “moving” and on August 12th security footage captured Parker and the unknown individual arriving in a white van and taking a luggage cart from the lobby and wheeling it to a freight elevator. From all accounts, Parker was the last person to see Flanagan alive. An hour after the van was spotted in Ridgefield Park, it was captured on video heading back over the east river toward Manhattan and the Bronx.

According to The New York Post, a friend of Flanagan’s who spoke to the Post said she had a “great life” before descending into a spiral of drugs and alcohol that led her to “always fear for her safety” tragically those fears seem to have been realized.

“She liked to shop, she loved to go out, loved to look nice,” her friend said.

“She did it before this other life she lived. The life before was a great life.”

“something happened in her life when she got in these streets — and my friend was never the same,”

“She went from being a dancer into escorting, so I’m pretty sure she always feared for her safety,” she said. “She was on drugs and drinking from the lifestyle that she lived.”

Nicole leaves behind “three children with three different men: a son, Aaron Underwood, who’s in his early 20s; a teenage daughter, Tayana, and a son, Xavier, who’s around 6 or 7.” Aurelio Parker remains in holding with the Bergen County Jail pending his first appearance in a Hackensack, NJ courtroom. He will also face charges in New York.

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