Panhandling Migrants Disturb Diners in Tennessee


Migrants aren’t just annoying the border states, where they pack them on buses for more sanctuary leaning jurisdictions. They’re also angering liberal city administrators on the other end. Mayors Muriel Bowser and Eric Adams were suddenly overwhelmed by the tiny trickle dripping out from the invasion flood. Nobody expected to hear complaints coming from Tennessee. Apparently, some panhandling illegals were causing trouble at one of the pit stops.

Migrants cause mayhem

One bus load of migrants got reported to police when an employee at a McDonald’s in Chattanooga, Tennessee, snitched on them for panhandling in the parking lot. They were shaking down the customers for handouts on the way to Washington.

I had to get the police to remove them from the premises,” the worker relates. They sauntered over to the gas station and staked out some grass. “After that we haven’t seen them for a while,” McDonald’s employee Nyree Jones informed local press.

According to city police, buses packed full of asylees from Texas headed to Washington, D.C. and New York City, “have been pulling off in Chattanooga at a Comfort Inn & Suites motel as a pit stop before carrying on with the journey.

Ms. Jones wasn’t happy about calling the cops but she did it from concern for her customers. They were seriously bothered “by some young migrants who were asking for food and money.

Most of the migrants were well behaved but there were a couple thugs in this load. They’re probably pretty skilled at shakedowns and extortion. Especially if they come from El Salvador.

At least they weren’t waving any machetes around. “The two young ones kept on going from here to over there, to the gas station, just trying to get money from people,” Ms. Jones explains.

It started in April

Migrants were never any trouble to liberal Democrats until April. That’s when they suddenly had to come face to face with the problem. There’s suddenly a glut in the market of housekeepers, nannies and landscapers. Dishwashers are a peso a dozen.

Suddenly the beltway is saturated with Guatemalans, Hondurans, and a smattering of Taliban terrorists. Everything was just fine until Texas Governor Greg Abbott had to get cute and start sending his overflow to the district.

So far, “more than 6,000 migrants have been bused from Texas to Washington, D.C.” Abbott has a heart. When he heard how overwhelmed Muriel Bowser was, he started shipping some to New York City.


It only took a small sample arriving in the Big Apple to “set off a firestorm of condemnation from liberal leaders.” For some strange reason, nobody wants to ask the federal government for answers.

There is no way that Governor Abbott was going to take the heat for Joe Biden’s obvious intentional mis-management. It’s not an accident that we’re being invaded by an army of Central American refugees. “If the mayor wants a solution to this crisis, he should call on President Biden to take immediate action to secure the border—something the President continues failing to do,” Abbott insists.

Each and every one of the bused migrants “willingly chose to go to New York City, having signed a voluntary consent waiver, available in multiple languages, upon boarding that they agreed on the destination.” Liberals are throwing a snit because the aliens don’t get to keep a copy of it for the activists to put under a microscope.

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