Pentagon Begins Taking UFOs VERY Seriously


The Pentagon has announced the creation of a permanent task force for investigating reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The new task force comes after a June report delivered to Congress in which the Pentagon revealed that only one of the 144 sightings recorded since 2004 which were included in the investigation could be positively identified. That one object turned out to be a large balloon which was deflating when spotted.

Pentagon to investigate UFOs

The creation of a dedicated UFO taskforce does not necessarily mean that the Pentagon is anticipating the discovery of an alien presence on Earth any time soon.

The number of credible reports from Navy and Air Force personnel which cannot be satisfactorily explained necessitates some kind of long-term investigation.

The Pentagon was clearly not please to reveal that it could only provide an explanation for one of the incidents after what was meant to have been a thorough investigation.

Congress last year responded to new reports on the phenomena by allocating funding specifically for new research into the issue of unidentified aircraft in American airspace.

Any pattern of apparent intrusions into US airspace by unknown objects demands to be taken seriously, even if Congress and the Pentagon are somewhat wary of spawning wild speculation about UFO sightings.

The task force is technically meant to “unidentified aerial phenomena” rather than UFOs. The meaning is exactly the same but one wonders if the Pentagon thought a different acronym might be less conspicuous.

No answers yet

The Pentagon says that there is no indication that the UFOs are extra-terrestrial in origin but it is not entirely ruling out the possibility.

UFO sightings could also be attributed to unknown technology in the hands of Russia, China, or some other power. If this is the case then it is technology which the US military is completely unaware of.

There is the possibility that all of the sightings are due to error or to naturally occurring phenomena, though neither suggestion perfectly explains all of the credible reports.

If these are real aircraft being reported then they would imply a very advanced form of technology which allows for outlandish maneuvering and a fantastic ability to avoid detection.

The UFO task force will have to consider all of these options but without more concrete evidence it may be just as unable as previous attempts to find a satisfactory answer.

The Department of Defense may not be any closer to an explanation but the formation of the new task force indicates that it is willing to treat the issue seriously.

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