Rep. Collins Puts Pelosi Right in Her Place

Doug Collins
Photo via C-Span YouTube Video Screenshot

Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), who served as a member of Trump’s defense team, just had some rather harsh words for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

During a Fox & Friends interview, Collins stated that Pelosi “needs to take a vacation.”

Break Time

Pelosi has had a rough couple of years and things do not appear as though they are going to get better for her anytime soon.

Just as Collins stated, it may be time for Pelosi to “go clear her head” and come back with a new perspective.

Collins also stated that Pelosi “needs to get over the disaster that she put the country through the last year,” and he is absolutely right, but she does not appear to be willing to do that.

Pelosi continues to hang on to the idea that Trump is “impeached forever,” yet she refused to even acknowledge the acquittal.

Collins stated, “The president was acquitted forever.

“We need to put this nightmare to bed.

“She needs to quit going on TV and saying, ‘He’s impeached and tarnished forever’ because it’s not true. 

“The only thing [that] is true is she’s making everything political about this president and the 2020 election.”

Collins then predicted the re-election of Trump and stated, “a lot of it has to do with this incessant drum beat from the Speaker over things that went on in the House that were unfair to the president, unfair to the country and unfair to the American people.”

Finally, he stated, “We need to continue to focus on what matters to the American people instead of her personal political agenda,” and I could not agree with him more.

Just a Waste of Time

Do you know why Trey Gowdy left office? Because he was sick and tired of useless investigations by Congress, at least in part.

How many congressional investigations have we had or investigations inspired by Congress that went to the DOJ in the last three years?

An impeachment… failed.

Mueller investigation… failed.

IG report… finds FISA abuse, nobody held accountable.

McCabe investigation… failed.

Clinton Foundation investigation… failed.

Let’s start leaving these investigations to the agencies responsible for this type of work and let our government get back to legislating.

Last time I checked, we need infrastructure, a budget, immigration reform, better care for our veterans, and that little nuisance called the deficit.

None of this can be addressed when our lawmakers are busy playing detective.

  1. What can you say? Collins is spot on in his assessment. To the communist democrats, it’s all about THEIR money and THEIR power. They don’t give a flying hoot about OUR country or we American Citizens. Let’s put an end to all of this political crap! Time to work together to build AMERICA, not destroy her! With an absolute LANDSLIDE victory for President Trump and all Republican come Nov. 3rd, I believe the swamp will dry up once and for all! V for victory. Are you old enough to remember that little diddy? V for VICTORY!

  2. pelosi should be relieved as house speaker and charged with treason,she is not for the citizens of the united states and never will be, i pray she is removed.

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