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5 posts
Lindsey Graham Shapeshifts Into Joe Biden Pawn [Details]
President Biden has no shortage of namby-pamby Republican senators to call on when he needs someone to switch…
Federal Judge Attempts to Use Race Card Against the Great State of Florida
An ongoing legal battle involving the Florida state government under Governor Ron DeSantis is grounded in a curious…
Far-Left Pundit Admits to Being a Lying Sack of Sh*t
If you’re only reading the headlines about the trial you might think that Kyle Rittenhouse will be receiving…
House Dems Vote to FORCE Unregulated Abortions in ALL 50 States
In an angry response to the recent Texas abortion legislation, House Democrats have passed a bill which would…
Justice Dept Begs Judge to Allow Murdering of Babies
The Department of Justice is making a desperate attempt to stop the new abortion legislation which has taken…