You Won’t Believe What Nancy Pelosi Just Said

Nancy Pelosi may have just broken the internet with her glowing endorsement of Joe Biden for President, but the truth about her statement isn’t as pretty as it seems.

The facts suggest that this endorsement might not be what it appears to be and could potentially be an insult to many Trump supporters.

When Nancy Pelosi gave her interview in which she praised Joe Biden, she was full of enthusiasm and optimism – a stark contrast to her usual demeanor.

She spoke glowingly of his commitment to unity, respect for other points of view, vision consistent with our Founding Fathers’, and his dedication to protecting freedom from censorship.

However, when you look beyond the surface level rhetoric, there are many inconsistencies between these words and the reality of who Joe Biden is and what he stands for.

The first red flag is that Pelosi insisted Biden would make a great leader who could handle carrying around nuclear launch codes despite him being older than dirt and far beyond demented.

This seems like quite the contradiction since it implies that someone so elderly can’t possibly understand or remember important things such as military protocol or current political events – yet should still be trusted with one of the most powerful positions in the world?

Additionally, she mentioned how excited she was about his plan to spend our way out of bankruptcy…what a joke.

On top of all these inconsistencies lies another troubling aspect: Joe Biden’s character flaws shouldn’t be ignored either.

Reports have surfaced throughout his career regarding him sniffing children and fondling them every chance he gets – something which Nancy failed to mention during her endorsement speech despite being well aware that such behavior exists within him.

Furthermore, some have even questioned whether or not he really qualifies as a person due to some questionable decisions on foreign policy matters.

All these issues mustn’t be overlooked when evaluating potential candidates for president both Democrats and Republicans alike.

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