Hunter Biden Headed to Jail!


Hunter Biden is a whole lot more afraid of Judge Holly Lodge Meyer than he is of Congress. His lawyers might not be able to keep him out of jail in Arkansas on a contempt charge or two. In fact, they’re part of the reason he’s in so much trouble. If he can afford such fancy lawyers, he can afford his agreed upon child support payments.

Hunter Biden may go to jail

There is a real good chance that Hunter Biden might be taken into custody next month. He’s been ordered to appear and give the judge one good reason not to put him in jail for contempt.

Before his high priced lawyers get to work on arguing his way out of it, she already made it an official part of the case record that “he has the ability to pay.

Christmas may come early for Lunden Alexis Roberts, mother of Biden’s love child. Her lawyers will be grinning too. They asked for some serious sanctions and the judge indicated she just might grant them. She might add a few of her own.

That’s why Judge Meyer ordered Hunter to “appear on July 10 at the Independence County Courthouse in Batesville.” His pricey lawyers better be well prepared to explain “why he should not be held in contempt.” In May, she told him point blank to hand over his financial records or face the consequences. He didn’t hand them over.

Lawyers for Ms. Roberts asked for some legal penalties and the judge noted “she would herself consider” some to add. The punishment or sanctions which Hunter Biden is facing include throwing him in jail until he comes up with the figures or six months, whichever comes first. But wait, there’s more! “incarceration for criminal contempt for a period of up to six months.” That’s separate. It will be interesting to see if it will be ordered consecutive or concurrent.

If he’s lucky, it will be concurrent which means six months firm. Otherwise, it’s until he hands over the documents plus another six months, which could turn out to be a full year. The judge isn’t playing. Biden had his turn and more than enough chance to comply. He continued to hide the ball. Now, it’s her turn at bat and she’s about to beat him with it.

A critical issue

Meyer spelled it out in words even a Biden can understand. “Hunter Biden is hereby given notice that his ‘ability to pay‘ is or may become a critical issue in the contempt proceeding.” They wouldn’t be there in the first place if he didn’t try to weasel out of his parental responsibilities. Next month he gets a chance to pack his legal team up on their private jet and ruin everyone’s day at the court house dealing with Secret Service crews.

When they get there, Biden “will have an opportunity at the hearing to respond to statements and questions about his financial status.” Judge Meyer also added… Oh, by the way, the respondent “is subject to an express finding by the court that he has the ability to pay.” Wasting court time with frivolous litigation usually earns serious penalties. As a lawyer himself, Biden should have known that. At least, he’s smart enough not to be representing himself.

Navy Joan Roberts was born in Arkansas in August 2018. She “was conceived while Hunter was in a relationship with Hallie Biden, his deceased brother Beau Biden’s widow.” Every year there’s a big stink when the Bidens hang the Christmas stockings and they won’t put one up for her. Science doesn’t lie.

In January 2020, the court found that “the results of the DNA tests indicate with near scientific certainty that the defendant is the biological father of the child in this case.” He played let’s make a deal with the mother and now he’s trying to get out of paying his fair share.

Hunter settled with Roberts for $2.5 million in 2020, but the case was later reopened, and the president’s son is engaged in an Arkansas court battle to lower his payments.” It’s kind of hard to plead poverty when your team of the highest paid lawyers on the planet arrive on a private jet with the Secret Service for bodyguards. He can’t pay what he agreed but manages to live “on a mountain overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Malibu.

Biden is also fighting the child being allowed to have the family name. The judge also indicated she’s leaning toward letting the girl have the name. “Meyer said Monday that one of the sanctions she was considering was striking Hunter Biden’s legal filings fighting the name change.” She can do that. America is wondering if Hunter will live long enough to appear in court.

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