Former President Donald Trump loves to infuriate Democrats. Joe Biden went especially spastic. This time, Trump made progressive heads explode by publicly making a request of Vladimir Putin to “release any damaging information he has about the Biden family.” Who needs a subpoena when you can talk to the press?
An informal request
Channels have nothing to do with this informal request for information. No matter what people think about Vlad Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, he firmly believes in “nationalism.”
That’s the biggest thing that Trump and Putin have in common. Putin may be wrong, but anything he did was done with the full intent of making his country stronger.
Trump sat down for an interview with JustTheNews published Tuesday, March 29. That’s when he made the “brazen” request for any damaging information the Kremlin might be sitting on. When it comes to battling the Deep State, Trump doesn’t mind fighting as dirty as they do.
Democrats are totally freaking out over the former president’s “willingness to solicit and embrace domestic political help from foreign powers.” Vladimir Putin of all people. Doesn’t Trump understand he’s “currently overseeing a bloody war against Ukraine?” The Donald gets it.
Trump’s simple unofficial request has a great chance of being granted. They’re both fighting the same enemy in the shadows, one world government globalism. Putin and Trump both happen to like their respective countries and want to keep them.
The pair of them fully understand they can fight each other like drunken brothers after they jointly defeat the New World Order. If they don’t, what’s the point?
Hunter’s dealings in Russia
Trump seems to be convinced that the Kremlin has some heavy dirt on Hunter Biden and his shadowy business deals behind the iron curtain.
For instance, freshly validated emails on Hunter’s laptop revealed that Elena Baturina, the wife of the mayor of Moscow, “gave $3.5 million to Hunter Biden.” In American dollars. “That’s a lot of money.” Trump continued, “I would think Putin would know the answer to that. I think he should release it. I think we should know that answer.” Conservative Americans who believe in the Constitution fully agree and were thrilled to hear him make the request.
Nobody disputes that cracked out “Hunter Biden was paid handsomely for consulting work he did in foreign countries, including Ukraine and China.” Not only that, Joe was vice president at the time. Just a coincidence. Besides Trump’s progressive panicking request, the “Justice Department has an ongoing criminal investigation into these dealings and potential financial crimes.”
It’s amazing the way the Federal Bureau of Instigation was able to cover the whole scandal up, all the way up to the 2020 election. They’re still covering up what everyone already knows.
Another thing about Trump’s horrifying request which truly disturbs Democrats is that John Solomon is the one who founded the website hosting Trump’s controversial interview. The “token” conservative at The Hill has a lot of clout inside the beltway. Everyone living inside the I-495 loop is already at the edge of their anti-depressants.
They’re only beginning to recover from the terror of having infuriated delegates of We the People circling the wagons around them for a couple weeks. Even though the deplorable patriots never busted through the safety barricades, they did enough damage inside the Capitol Building to really mess up the mid-terms for anyone not willing to acknowledge, “THEY WORK FOR US.”